Chapter 5 Life of the Night

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Emma's POV
I slept for what seemed like days and yet it never felt like enough. But the weird thing was is that I was dreaming... actually dreaming. Which usually never happens.
I was running as fast as I could but I couldn't get away from them. 2 men chased me and I didn't know who the hell they where. And of course I trip and skin my knee on a rock in the dense forest.
"You shouldn't run from me and my friend. We own you!" The one man said while the other caught up and snickered with the other man.
"You don't own me you assholes!" I was frustrated, and my legs were so sore that u could barely stay in my protective stance.
"Your uncle told us you would fight but you will come with us and the pack." What the fuck! Pack of what?
"Pack of what... wolves?!" I was getting pissed off by now. 1.) they didn't own
2.) what the hell is with this pack business and 3.) I was scared shitless but I surely wasn't afraid to kick their ass even though I was outnumbered.
"All in good time my sweet, all in good time." He chuckled as I was screaming at them and then I woke up.
I woke up with a jolt screaming my lungs out and next thing you know Eric was right beside me.
"Angel calm down, everything is ok just calm down." He just sat there holding me tight to his muscular chest caressing my head. All I did was stare into the darkness thinking about the dream.
"Emma... Emma talk to me what happened to make you scream like that?" Ok was it me or was Eric being compassionate. He was so cocky earlier and kinda forceful with his "ways" although I did kinda like it.
"Why are you being so nice. You were a cocky jerk just... Um..." Gosh I didn't even know what time it is.
"8:09 at night if you where wondering." He smirked once again. I was getting used to this and I was starting to like it... wait night?!?!
"Did you just say night?!" I was sleeping through the day now. How fricken creepier can it get! I just looked at him and he looked at me. I was getting uncomfortable so I broke the silence.
"I need to um... Get some... groceries ya groceries is what I need to get." I ran out of the room and next thing you know Eric was right beside me.
"Well then let me one with you." Ok he was teasing me now.
"I am fine be myself thank you very much." I walked out to me blue Ford Ranger and started it up. And of course he had to get in the passenger seat.
"I never asked for an invite so wether you like it or not I am coming unless of course you want to finish what we started last night." My face went beet red when he said that and I could tell that he wanted to more than anything. I just drove and let my mind wander about last night. I liked it way to much, and if I didn't stop when I did I don't think he would be able to hold back.
We finally got to the convenient store as me and Eric split off I went to the frozen food section and got a carton of milk as I was walking I bumped into another hard chest figure and looked up to see a sexy bearded man with shaggy hair brown hair and boy was he musclebound. And of course the milk was all over the floor.
"Oh my god... I am so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." I looked down in embarrassment as the man look at me with compassion in his eyes.
"No that was on me I shouldn't have been standing here in the middle of the isle. We smiled at each other when he suddenly held out his hand.
"My names Alcide, and you are?"oh wow even his name is sexy.
"Emma, nice to meet you Alcide." I was about to walk away when he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.
"Why don't i buy you coffee for the little mishap I kinda caused here?" He was asking me to coffee, wow I can't wait togive him this answer.
"That would be wonderful, how about tomorrow at 11:00?" I wanted it to be in the day time if I do have to sleep when I don't want to.
"Great I will see you tomorrow at the coffee shop then." We were just about to part ways when Alcide let a growl escape from his chest and I was amazingly animalistic. Then I heard another growl behind me. Uh oh I don't think Eric is very happy.
I felt my feet being lifted. Off the ground and Alcides yells from far off. We got to my truck and Eric sped back to my house. Next thing I know I was in the living room with a bad headache.
"What the hell Eric!?!?" I was pissed off. Having a nice conversation with Alcide and having Eric ruin it.
"You are mine Emma, and I won't have you put tousled in danger with that piece of shit!" He was probably just about as furious as I was.
" I am not yours you asshole, I a. Not some possession you can throw over you back whenever." I was independent almost my whole life and now he is saying I am his.
And right on que the door smashed open and there stood a very mad Alcide.
Hey everyone I hope you like the chapter and please comment to tell me what you want more of some thing cause I love constructive criticism.

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