Blood, Sweat, and a Ton More Blood

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Emma's POV
I opened my eyes to see Eric looking really concerned as I realized his arm was over my mouth and a warm sweet substance was flowing past my lips. I pushed it away as the last drop of liquid left my mouth.
"E-Eric...w-what's going on?" I listened to Alcides apology but I shrunk back in fear. He is a werewolf. A real life werewolf, and he was naked, God he is....bad Emma! No thinking that! I looked away quickly as I felt arms wrap around me, followed by an unhappy growl from Alcide. I blew it off as I snuggled into Eric's embrace. I felt wind rush by me as light flooded into my sight and the homely smell of my living room came to me.
Eric set me down and turned towards Alcide. And I knew exactly what he was thinking. I grabbed his arm quickly and sat up giving myself whiplash.
"Eric... Don't even think about it. This was just as much your fault as it is his." I looked at him with stern eyes. I meant it.
Something weird flashed in his eyes and he looked at me with a death glare. I shrunk back in fear as Alcide jumped forward between us.
"Back off!" Alcide said through gritted teeth. Why was Eric mad at me?? I didn't do anything wrong did I?
Eric backhanded him and grabbed my neck.
"E-Eric... What... are... You... doing?" My lungs screamed for air. I barely could make out the last sentence before spots started dancing through my eyes. Tears streamed down my face at the thought of my death by his hands. Then, they were gone.
I gasped as fresh air came to my lungs. I looked over to see a wolf throwing Eric out the door. And I did the one thing that came to my mind.
"Eric! You are no longer welcomed into my home." Hopefully it would work. Eric's eyes went hard and the next second he was gone.
I cried hard as I missed him already. The only thing I thought was that he was going to kill me.

Eric's POV

I brought my Emma back to her house and turned my head towards Alcide. I felt Emma grab my arm.
"Eric... Don't even think about it. This was just as much as your fault as it is his!" I couldn't believe what she was saying! My fault! Hell, I was the one who saved her!
And then something in my dead brain clicked. I felt my body move against my will. Alcide stepped between us but after he told me to back off, i backhanded him as he flew to the wall. My hand jabbed out towards Emma's throat and my brain screamed for it to stop... but it never did. It grabbed her throat and strangled her. And then I couldn't see anything but red.
"What the hell!" I yell in my brain! Something is controlling me! The next second I feel cold hard ground hit my back as my body tumbled over itself. And then the most horrible words came out of Emma's mouth.
"Eric! You are no longer welcome into my home!" Then I felt something break. My eyes hardened in pain as clutched my chest. I ran as fast as I could to the one woman who would know how to fix this... The one and only witch of the forest.
I finally got to the witches house and I knocked on the door. I heard a rustle of footsteps as the door opened to reveal Margaret the forest witch.
"Mmmm... Eric, didn't expect to see you again. Come for a little fun?" I was tempted but I shook my head and stepped inside. I was always welcome in her home because we... Well... had a lot of... you get the point.
"So darling, what is it ya need?" I sat down on the couch and layed back.
"I need to know about connections between vampires and humans, as in love connections." She looked at me wide eyed and stood up quick.
"So your the one and only huh? The only special vamp?" She was still stranding. The what? Special huh. Kinda knew that already but it is nice to be reminded.
"What the hell are you talking about?" I was confused at this point. I wanted to know more of this so I stared hard at her to make her co to us what she was saying.
"There is a prophecy... Follow me." I walked with her to her basement with her spells. I listened closely as she was mumbling.
"Now what I am about to tell you, you can't tell anyone else! Got it?!?!" I nodded.
"Okay, well there is a prophecy stating that there is a vampire, a lonely one of sorts, will find his true soul mate. He and only he will start a chain reactions for my to come and the mate of his will posses a unknown set of dangerous yet lifesaving set of powers." Oh shit was all I thought when she said that. Emma had powers.
"Anyways, this woman who could so possibly be your mate. Eric I swear if you do anything to harm her... bad things will be soon to come." That part was the worst.
"What if I did do something, what would that mean?" I kept staring at her.
"Eric... She must not be harmed. She possesses a power that can save many supernatural beings like yourself. Destiny has chosen you both to protect the supernatural. If she were to get harmed or even killed, it would upset the whole balence of life. She is technically your one and only true love. Have you felt any pain from her, or the need to protect her?" I was getting on edge as she ended her prophecy.
"Yes, when she kicked me out of her house or when she got hurt by a werewolf, I wanted to give my life for hers. What the hell does that mean?" I was confused with all this prophecy shit and nonsense.
"Well that means the connection is strong I am guessing you feel sparks when you kiss or even touch? You are like the werewolf, because they find their mates so to say. And once you found you mate, this world will have a set fate and it is your hands. And if you hurt her Eric you better make amends because that might mean you rejected her. She is probably in a lot of pain right now and If you don't fix this immiediatly, she could die!" The next second I was standing with her. What the hell was I thinking when I hurt my angel?! I needed to fix this and fast. I ran with my super speed back to Emma's place and I and knocked on her door leaving dents with my hand.
I saw Emma open the door and look at me with her red puffy big brown eyes. And then She screamed. The door slammed in my face. She needs time to cool off.

So I left.
I ran like hell to Bon Tomps. The day was coming near as the sun almost reached the peaks of the trees. Fangtasia was merely steps away as I enter through the doors as my back burned with heat.
"God damn!" I wanted so much to go back to my Emma but I knew she wouldn't understand any of this until she cooled off from her 2 in a row near death experiences. I got up and went to my throne. Pam left a while ago with some other vamps and told me to take care of Fangtasia. Ya well I am not doing a very good job at it, cause this place could use some dusting.
I heard something rustle in the far corner and I stand to my feet in a millisecond.
"Show yourself coward!" I see a figure walk out of the dim spot and I think I was hallucinating.

"Hello Eric, I can truthfully say it is horrible to see you." I stared into the cold dark eyes of the one man I hate the most as another man stepped out beside him. The man who stepped out was none other than Bill. And my worst enemy ever had appeared.

It was Reth the Faerie.

Hey everyone. I know most of you are thinking 'who the hell is Reth?!' But I have decided to combine a bunch of vamp and werewolf and supernatural fanfics together. And maybe some book fanfic stuff to. It's gonna be all jumbled into this book so if you want to know where Reth came from, read the trilogy of Paranormalcy. I am serious that this is one of the best supernatural books ever written!!! So read read read!!!!

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