Chapter 3 Please Don't Come In

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I had a little house at the bottom of the tall mountain and I finally reached it. I looked at my watch again and saw it was 3:00 in the afternoon, shit. Another useless day gone by with Mr. Erik up in that shack.
My house wasn't tiny it was just small kinda like a one bedroom, one bathroom, kitchen and living room in it. I loved it! I had a garden out in my back yard and a cute little porch out front. I may love flowers and trees and some other things but I am sooo not a girly girl. I was a full fledged tomboy, I hunt, I build, and I am a kick ass fighter in hand to hand combat.
I might be alone up on my mountain but I didn't care as anyways there was a town just below me that I could go get McDonalds and Starbucks from. The rest of the day I spent in my basement practicing my combat skills. I do it daily cause you never know what will happen. I was just about to hit the punching bag again when I heard a knocking on my door. Oh crap I hope it wasn't who I thought it was.
I walked out of the basement up to the door. I opened the door part and the only thing that seperated me from Erik was a thin screen doorway.
" Hello again beautiful, you never mentioned you lived just below my little shack up there but I kinda figured it out." He smirked the devilish yet sexy smirk.
" Sorry I didn't think a vamp was gonna kiss me then come to my house at 8:30 at night," once again I have to play at his level of I want to live my life.
" Invite me in and we can have a way more interesting night than this morning's kiss," he was still smirking, God he was so cocky with himself. But why would he ask to be invited in I thought that was only in movies. This was gonna be fun to say.
" Oh dearest Erik will you please NOT come inside my beautiful home." He frowned at me then replaced it with a smirk.
"Here let me tell you a secret about that how we can't come inside others homes," he opened the screen and took one more step closer that my face was at his well at his chest. I blushed horribly. I was 25 and yet this compassion in his eyes was unfamiliar to me.
"Emma will you please step outside," he just stood there waiting for me to take my last step towards death. I laughed. I laughed so hard I almost fell over. He was trying to glamor me. Ya I knew he was I can sense when vamps try to.
"What the..." He stared in shock as I kept laughing in his face from his failure.
"I wouldn't come out this door if the world was at stake." I was serious now. He wasn't going to push me around. No way. He just stood there staring into my eyes. He was wide eyed again. Uh oh, this was just like the situation in the shack.
"I know what you are..." The second he said that he was 30 feet away and I was marching down my porch steps. I launched him a small gust of fire, not enough to kill him just enough to let him know I mean business.
"You mother fucking blood sucker don't you dare think you know what I am. All you vamps are so cocky with yourselves that you think you can take on the world, well guess what ass hole I can burn your fine ass right down to hell if I wanted. I could've left you to burn but I saved your sorry life and for what... A stupid cocky jerk who thinks he knows what I am." I was over furious. But I was more sad than anything. My family died trying to find out what I was. I wanted to do suicide because of my depression. My uncle saved me though. He took me in and showed me the true meaning of life. I couldn't hold it back anymore. I broke to my knees and burst out crying. It took a lot to make me cry but right now I couldn't hold it back. I felt another gust of wind and I saw Erik right beside me picking me up carrying me bridal style and getting back to my porch.
"May I come in," he was very soft in his words and all I did was nod letting this vampire have entrance to my little home.
Another great chapter in my mind. The next one will have more info on how Emma and her Uncle's life when she was a kid. No spoilers alerts!!!
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