Purple Tulips

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As the days passed Beomgyu started to feel weaker and it was starting to get harder to breath. Gym class wasn't even fun anymore, before Hanahaki he used to love going to the sporthall with his classmates. But now it was becoming a burden.

"Beomgyu-ah!" one of his classmates screams at him, he turns around to see that the game has started again. He sighs as he starts running with his teammates after the round ball rolling on the soccer field. Every step as heavy as the first one.

Not even halfway through the game a familiar figure catches his eyes, but he's not alone. As the figures comes closer there is no doubts left in Beomgyus head. Standing by the oaktree is Yeonjun, and Soobin.

Not now... is all Beomgyu can think as he runs off the field.

He runs into the locker rooms restroom and locks the door behind him. As soon as he turns towards the toilet he starts to cough heavily as dozens of petals falls out of his mouth. But it doesn't end there.

(Stage 2, flowers)

He struggles to cough up something bigger than petals. Soon he throws up a beautiful yellow carnation and tears starts to form in Beomgyus eyes. He's scared, never did he think his sickness would proceed this fast. No, he thought it was all a dream, a nightmare trapping him from life. But in his hands he's holding the bright yellow flower that came from his lungs.


After much thinking, he's now sitting in the white waiting room of the hospital he's about to registrate to. Beomgyu didn't want this, no he refused to have people take pity on him. But seeing Yeonjun every day only made his sickness worse, it was even harder to breath now and he knows, that he's close to the end.

But if there was even one single string of hope left for him by getting help here, he'd take it. His death didn't matter to others but he knows that Yeonjun and Soobin never will be able to live happily if Yeonjun had his best friends death on his shoulders.

Well, Beomgyu would never tell Yeonjun the reason for why he's admitted to the hospital tho, it wasn't Yeonjuns fault it's Beomgyus or at least, that's what he's told himself.

"Choi Beomgyu" a woman calls. Beomgyu stands up, trying real hard not to stumble too much. He walks over to the lady and immediately regrets coming here in the first place. Her beautiful blue eyes are filled with pity for the younger boy.

"Come with me please" she says as she turns around to walk towards their destination. Beomgyu tries his best to keep up with the lady, he hates it. Why does he have to feel this weak? Is all that floods his mind.

"In here please" the lady gestures for him to enter. He nods as he walks in to the room. The walls just as bright white as the other. The air smells like disinfectant and it's cold.

He sits down in one of the chairs immediately as he feels the dizziness becoming too much.

"Do you want some water?" the nurse asks. "I'm fine, but thanks" he says quietly. A side effect of being weak, your voice gradually disappear. She nods and sits down behind her desk.

"So, how long have you been experiencing trouble breathing Mr Choi?" she asks while grabbing a pen to scribble in her book.

"A couple of weeks" he says fiddling with his hands, nervous.

"That's a pretty long time don't you think? Why didn't you come here sooner?" she asks a bit concerned.

Beomgyu keeps his gaze locked on the floor.

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