Light Enders

415 41 28

TW: The following chapter contains explicit content such as blood, fainting, and other, proceed at your own risk


In and out
You know this, you know it

"Beomgyu?" Kai asks once again, "You've been under this treatment for a month already, I need you to answer my question, what did you see before you passed out?" the older asks him.

Beomgyu takes one shaky breath before exhaling "they were everywhere" his voice is fragile, it's weaker than usual.

The boy had now been under the special treatment at the new hospital or rather facility. They had put a name to his case, P.U.M.A; Pairing Unplugged Mental Ambivalence. They didn't proceed to inform the boy about what this meant, nor did he understand the seriousness of his case either.
The original treatment he was supposed to receive didn't seem anything like the one he is presently receiving. He was supposed to be injected with a serum every day for 2 weeks, he did know the consequences behind the treatment and he accepted it either way, losing 5 months worth of memory.

But half way through the treatment the boy had been transferred from facility to facility and in the process he had seen the serum being changed. Beomgyu is young but he isn't dumb, he knows something wrong is going on. But the fear to find out exactly what, is what's holding him back from questioning it to his doctor, Kai. Or at least he calls himself that, he wants others to do the same. His real name is Jongin, Kim Jongin.

"I'm talking to you boy" Jongin raises his voice slightly, snapping his fingers in front of Beomgyus face. The boy flinches at the action "sorry, I didn't hear you" Beomgyu answers. Sitting in the white chair in the middle of the big empty bright room. Everything around him is white, even Jongin's clothes and his own are white. The room is cold, not cold but chilly.
"I don't remember going deaf was a part of the side effects, now I'm gonna ask you for the fourth time Beomgyu and I don't want to repeat myself anymore, understood?" Jongin says with a stern voice, the younger nods at that.

"Good. Now. What did you see?" Jongin asks once again, the last time as he said.
Beomgyu gulps audibly before answering the question he has been asks for the past 20 minutes "Flowers" he answers. "What kind of flowers?" Jongin asks upon that.
Beomgyu turns his head towards the big mirror displayed across the right wall, he knows that it's a one way window.

He lowers his head "Poppy's, red" he answers.
"Why red poppys? What did you see, tell me" Jongin pushes.

Beomgyu sucks in a big breath, it's so hard to answer, he remembers nothing of the boy in his hallucination, but he feels that the boy was precious to him. "A boy, he's younger than me. He, he is standing in a pile of red poppy's, they're scattered everywhere" Beomgyu says, voice cracking and tears forming in his eyes as it all comes back.

"Who? who is the boy?" Jongin asks. "I don't know, I- I don't remember his name or anything" Beomgyu answers, he wraps himself in his own arms feeling fragile. "What does the boy look like?" the older asks a new question hoping to finally get an answer from the younger.
"He, he has hazel hair it's fluffy," Beomgyu can feel a small smile form on his pale lips "he is wearing hospital clothes, they're green, he's a patient. He has a tanned body and, and his big eyes-" Beomgyu feels the tears roll down his cheeks as his breath starts to spike. "His eyes, what's wrong with his eyes?" Jongin asks calmy, not faced one bit by the youngers state at the moment.

"He-he's crying, he's crying blood. It's so much,  so much blood, it's covering the poppys, he's clothes are dropping from it. E-everything is covered in it, I-I'm covered in it, he he" Beomgyu starts to sob, he's rubbing his body furiously as if to get the blood off of him. "He what? Tell me" Jongin says, he's not asking but he is rather demanding an answer this time.

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