Chapter 19

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Sherlock’s hand shook slightly as he read John’s letter to him:

Sherlock, I am not a poet or a scholar, or a genius like you, I am a soldier, so I hope you will cut me some slack as you read this letter. It is possible that you and I will not see each other again in this lifetime, so I will begin by telling you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and that no matter what I love you. I chose to let myself become half Yoma and I hope my sacrifice will not be in vain for I and the warriors of the city have gone to do battle against the three horsemen and their minions, the white horse of disease has already laid siege to London and the other three must be stopped, or they will destroy the earth and everything in it. Sherlock, there are so many things I cannot explain in this letter, but my heart is at ease knowing you are safe, therefore I beg you not to follow me Sherlock and know this if we do not meet again in this lifetime, know that I have been privileged to give and receive love from you.

To the Best of Times, Sherlock,

Love, John Hamish Watson.

Sherlock wanted to scream as he looked around the empty room. “Stupid John, stupid Doctor, stupid John Hamish Watson,” Sherlock cursed as he paced around the perimeter of the room. Walking outside, Sherlock stamped his feet to keep them warm and thought, “I am going to follow John and beat him within an inch of his life for doing this to me,” Sherlock thought angrily. In the distance Sherlock, could see the woman that had been part of their disastrous three way. “Hey, you come here.” Sherlock called out as he ran after the fleeing woman and swore when he realized that he was going to have to chase her down. Running as fast as he could, Sherlock grabbed the back of the woman’s coat and threw her to the ground. As she struggled beneath him, Sherlock wanted to choke her, instead he just held her tight. “You are going to get me a guide and you are going to get me out of here, because if you don’t I will end you.” Sherlock hissed as he grabbed ahold of the woman’s throat.

The woman realized she was no match for Sherlock and so she mentally adjusted and asked, “So, ivory man, how are you going to pay for a guide?” She spat.

Sherlock smiled triumphantly as he pulled a jade necklace out of his pocket, “What about this?”

The woman’s eyes grew large as she licked her lips nervously, “That is the Shaman’s, how did you get it?”

Sherlock locked his hands on the back of the woman’s neck and put his forehead on hers. “It’s none of your business and what is this about, calling me ivory man?”

She laughed and stuck her hand down Sherlock’s pants. “You are so white like ivory, except for one thing, you know?”

Sherlock grabbed her hand and squeezed it until she cried out, “Well, I don’t like that nick name and I don’t like you, so get me a guide now.”

A few hours later, Sherlock looked at his guide doubtfully, for he didn’t look a day over thirteen. As, if reading his thoughts the boy grimaced at Sherlock, “I may be young, but I am more than able to guide you, in fact I am glad you needed me. I was really starting to feel quite angry that I missed going to battle by one year, but perhaps now I can join up with the other warriors.”

Sherlock smiled benignly and thought, “What an idiot.”

They had traveled about two days, when the boy held up his hand, “The way to Warrior John is through there, “the boy said.

Sherlock felt there was something wrong with the situation and yet he had no choice, “Fine, let’s go and remember you don’t get the necklace until I see John.”

The boy nodded, “Yes, I agree.”

There was a cave that was just visible beneath the snow and the boy motioned for Sherlock to follow him. When Sherlock entered the cave, the boy was nowhere to be seen and Sherlock thought, “Shit, the little termite is nowhere to be seen.” It was the last thing Sherlock felt before he fell down a shaft. Sherlock felt his stomach churn as he fell through the darkness and then he felt a pressure and a squeezing, then nothing.

Sherlock opened his eyes to the sound of sirens, and as he got to his feet he felt horrified at the scene before him, for he was not at a battle, but in modern day London. Tanks rolled through the streets, and the people that were out on the sidewalks wore masks and looked terrified as they made their way towards their destinations. Sherlock made his way to 221b Baker Street, as fast as he could, he ignored the quarantine tape across the door. He tore off the tape and ran upstairs two at a time.  Mrs. Hudson was the first to see him, “Oh Sherlock, what have you done? It isn’t safe here.” She cried. For the first time Sherlock noticed that Mycroft and Molly were in the room as well.

“What the hell is going on here?” Sherlock asked, attempting to keep the fear out of his voice.

“Sherlock, we’ve all been exposed to the Ebola Virus, didn’t you see the warning tape?” Mrs. Hudson asked tearfully.

Without a word Sherlock sat down heavily in the chair nearest him, as Mycroft came and stood near him. “Sherlock, a third of the city has already died. London is now a closed city and under martial law, the city has run out of places to bury the corpses and have they begun to burn them just outside the city.”

Mrs. Hudson was the first to recover, “Well, Sherlock it seems to be the end of the world, or at least London, so you might as well have a cup of tea.” She said with tears in her eyes.

Sherlock stood up and patted her on the shoulder, “It’s okay, Mrs. Hudson, it’s okay…”Sherlock said as he moved towards the window. An armored truck rolled through Baker Street and Sherlock could just hear the words, “The city is under quarantine, do not leave your homes unless you have a medical release pass, if no one has a medical release in your household, put the green flag out on your door and emergency supplies will be delivered as soon as possible, if you have dead in your house, put them in the white body bags that have been provided, if you are out of bags wrap up the dead as best you can and put a white flag at your door, noting how many dead are to be disposed of. God save the Queen. God save us all.” The announcement cut off and Britain’s national anthem played over the speaker.

Mycroft stood next to Sherlock and quoted, When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.

— Revelation 6:7-8˄ NASB

Sherlock glared over at Mycroft, “Well, now is a fine time to quote scripture. We need to use our heads not quote scripture.”

Mycroft smiled, “Well, brother mine, any ideas?”

For once Sherlock had no answers.


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