Maybe, Baby

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 Weeks passed and they hardly saw each other, to the point where seeing them in the same room was a rare, unique opportuinity.

 "Maybe they aren't cut out for the prophecy," Charlie remembered saying to Vaggie one day.

 But...a secret was revealed. Alastor was sneaking into Angel's room every night, when everyone was asleep. And he would leave before anyone woke up.

 How did they end up knowing?

 Because during one of Husk's hangover hazes, he noticed Alastor leaving Angel's room, not his usual clean-cut self. Everything, especially his hair, a little rumpled. What was really going on behind closed doors?

 That was the secret Vaggie and Charlie were determined to break.

 Fat Nuggets was roaming around the hotel, sniffing corners and snorting cutely. Angel Dust, eating a Popsie, watched close by, heterochromic eyes constantly tracking his pet.

 Alastor watched Angel from the desk. Tracking the slim line of his neck, the thin waist, the shiny teeth, the perfect tongue.

 He felt his cheeks go warm. "Alastor blushing?" Husk said grouchily. "That's a feat that would never happen."

 "Yes, yes, yes," Alastor said dismissively. "Laugh it up."

 Husk did not laugh though, instead he chugged. "Whatever," he said.

 Alastor frowned and smiled wider at Angel's slim figure. "Isn't he gorgeous?"


 "No one," he said quickly. "Talking to myself."

 "Radio Demon," Husk said. "Are you in love?"

 "Nope," Alastor said, a little too quickly.

 Husk raised his eyebrows. "Maybe," Alastor said.


 "No one," Alastor said. "Good day to you, Husk."

 Husk watched him go, walking past Angel Dust, long enough for him to catch the shared look between them. Gotcha, Radio Demon, he thought.

 He made a mental note, and the very next day, word had gotten round that Alastor and Angel were fucking.

 First things first, they never fucked. They slept together. They never left marks. They left tastes. Everything they did was very hard to trace to fucking. At least, that's what they said in the argument that day.

 It was so loud Heaven must've heard it. Three hours of yelling. That's a lot of yelling.

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