Chapter 3

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Time skip

Boruto woke up. He was in a bright room, lying in bed. He had a light headache. Was it all just a dream? he thought to himself. There was another person in the room, he couldn't tell who exactly it was, because his eyes were a bit blurry.

I-is that you aunt Sakura? Where am I?-Boruto

*S-sakura?* You're awake. You're in the hospital, someone found on the ground unconscious and brought here. *goes to Boruto and touches his forehead* Looks like your fever went down. I'll check on you later on again. If you need something just call me or another nurse.-Ino

Oh okay thanks. *so it wasn't a dream.*-Boruto

Ino was about to leave the room, but she stopped and turned to Boruto

If I'm not mistaken, you called me Sakura right?-Ino

Oh yes, sorry bout that. I thought you were her, because she's usually here.-Boruto

What do you mean?- asked Ino confused

Well, she works here-dattebasa!-Boruto

Do you by any chance know Sakura?-Ino

*sigh* It's complicated but yes, I know her.-Boruto

I'm not sure how to tell you but Sakura never worked in this hospital before.-Ino

What? That's weird, but she's a medical ninja.-Boruto

Yes.. but she stopped using her powers as medical ninja since a few years ago.-Ino

What? But why?-Boruto asked in disbelief

Ino was hesitant at first, but she eventually went over to the blonde boy on the bed and sat right next to him. She looked at him for awhile and took a deep breath

I don't know why I'm telling you this but I feel like I can trust you. And you said you know Sakura right?-Ino

Y-yes.-said Boruto, he didn't really understand what was happening right know, but from Ino's expression he knew it was something important

Sakura was a very cheerful and active person....but that changed. You see, her teammate died in a fight.-Ino

*gasp, That's right Inojin told me that Sasuke had supposedly died*-thought Boruto to himself

After that she was so devastated, we all were. But it had an major impact on her. Sakura had very strong feelings for him since she met him. It truly broke her heart seeing the man she loved with all her heart get killed. But she wasn't the only one who felt like that. Her other teammate felt the exact same. The three of them were extremely close. Both of them couldn't deal with it, that their dear friend had died.-Ino

*Tou-chan(dad)...* That's so sad...-Boruto

Her teammate eventually told us that he was fine after some time, but we all knew he wasn't. He distanced himself from us, talked less and less with us and even stopped hanging around with us anymore. He started being very cold towards us. If we tried to help him or comfort him, he always tells us to leave him alone. The same goes for Sakura. She always locked herself in, she would barely leave her home. I tried to visit her every time I could, but she would always send me away. I eventually stopped showing up at her place, it's not because I was tired of her, it's just that I have been very busy lately. It's been months since I've last tried to talk to her. I'm such a terrible friend.-Ino

No, don't say that. Maybe she just needs some time alone.-Boruto

That's what I said to myself as well. But so many years had already passed and she's still locking herself in, I never saw her go out, not even once. I'm not even sure if she's taking care of herself.-said Ino with a miserable look in her face

Boruto didn't know what to say, he was completely speechless. He couldn't believe what Ino just said to him. It made him so sad hearing that his father and aunt were suffering so much. Boruto blamed himself, that this was all his fault

Suddenly someone cam into the room. It was a nurse

Ino, we need you right know.-Nurse

Yes, I'm coming. *turns to Boruto* I'll be right back.-Ino. Then they both left

A few moments later Sasuke came into the room

How are you?-Sasuke

Are you really gonna ask me kind that question? Oh yeah, sorry for running away like that yesterday.-Boruto

It's okay, but what were doing out so late anyways? It was raining very hard that evening.-Sasuke

I visited my mom's grave..-Boruto

Oh. Look, don't worry everything is going to be alright.-Sasuke

Alright? How could you say that. I just found out that I lost my friends and my family. Tou-chan(dad) doesn't remember, ka-chan(mom) is dead and that means that my sister doesn't exist. My friends don't remember me, my best friend is apparently now a bully and my teammates don't exist as well. Your daughter doesn't exist and your wife is depressed, because you should be actually dead. Doesn't that make you sad, Sasuke-san?-Boruto

Yes, it indeed makes me sad but-

Then how can you say that everything is going to be alright. You and I shouldn't even be here. Tsunade is a liar, she told us the future was save, but yet, why is it like this. This is our fault, isn't it.-Boruto

Tsunade didn't lie and no it's not our fault.-said Sasuke calmly

What do you mean?-Boruto

Just think about it. Hinata died a few years ago. Naruto and Hinata never got married. And that means that your sister never gets born like you said....and that means that you shouldn't exist too.-Sasuke

Yeah you're right.-Boruto

At the time you step in this era, you should actually cease to exist. But yet your still alive.-Sasuke

So what does that mean?-Boruto

After analysing the situation, I found out what really is going on. Tsunade said the truth about the future being save but you can say it's her fault. She put the wrong coordinates on the device. We are in the right timeline, but not where we are supposed to be. You could say we are in a parallel universe.-Sasuke

What? Is that really possible? If that's the case then that means...-Boruto

Yes, everyone is save, we are the ones who don't belong here.-Sasuke


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See you guys on the next chapter, bye!

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