Chapter 7

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After a couple of hours, Boruto woke up. His body still felt a little bit of pain, but not as much as before, As he was looking around, he saw a lot of bandages on his body and he also realized that he was alone in the room. He was wondering where his father or Sasuke were. Naruto was called to the Hokage office for an emergency and Sasuke had to bring the Rogue ninjas to the police. He also saw a tray with food on it. It was already cold but he still decided to eat it, because he was very hungry. A few minutes later, Naruto came into the room

You're awake. How are you feeling?-Naruto

My body is kinda sore, but I can manage. And also thank you for saving me tou-chan(dad).-Boruto

You don't have to thank me, it's the least I can do for you as your father.-Naruto

Then somebody came into the room, it was Shikamaru

Oi Shikamaru what's up?-Naruto

I just wanted to let you know that I cleared your schedule for to day.-Shikamaru

Thanks, you're really big help. And I want to apologize for not letting you help me, even tho you just want the best for me.-Naruto

Don't think about that's what friends are for. But I need you to come out for a second, I need to show you something.-Shikamaru

Naruto nodded and followed him outside, leaving Boruto alone in the room. Not a minute has past and someone went into the room. Now it was Shikadai. Boruto was glad to see that his best friend was alright

Shikadai! I'm so glad you're alright-dattebasa!-Boruto

Well, it's thanks to you. I want to keep this conversation short so I'll just get straight to the point. I really hate doing this,but thank you for saving me. It was a reckless move of you, but I see you're okay.-Shikadai

Of course I'm okay. As if I let myself get killed by those bastards. And I got do to what I got to do.-Boruto

Just so you know...I still don't consider you as a friend, I hardly know you. But I guess I owe something. See ya then.-Shikadai

He was about to leave the room when Boruto stopped him and he turned back around

Just promise me to stop bullying others.-Boruto

He smiled, turned around and said-I'll try my best, but I can't promise anything.-and left

Then Naruto came back into the room

Tou-chan(dad) where is Sasuke-san?-Boruto

I actually don't know myself. He should be back from the police station by now. I hope he's not in trouble or anything.-Naruto

No, I thins he's fine.-Boruto

You're right.-he responded

Sasuke's P.O.V.

I dropped off the Rogue ninjas at the police station and let them handle it from there. I didn't go back to Naruto and Boruto yet. I still had to go somewhere else. I was standing in front of the door. I took all my courage and knocked on it. To my surprise no one answered. I knock again...and then again...and then again. No response. I then cleared my troath and began to speak.

Sakura please open the door. I need to talk to you.

Sakura's P.O.V.

It was a usual day as always. I was by myself alone, watching tv in the living room while eating some cheap store bought food. It has always been like this since it happened. I had no desire to go out anymore, I only go out to buy food and I broke all connections with my friends. They all tried to talk about it with me but I still feel the same. So the probably gave up, because the didn't visit me anymore. That's why I was a bit surprised when someone suddenly knocked on my door. I ignored as usual, but they kept on knocking. It really made me furious, I almost wanted to say something but then I hear his voice. It can't be possible... but that voice, I could recognize it


No ones P.O.V.

Sakura slowly opened the door and couldn't believe her eyes. She thought she was dreaming. Sasuke in the other hand looked relieved and broke the silence

Sakura...I need to talk to you.-Sasuke

S-sasuke I-i thought you were dead?-said Sakura while tears were flowing down her cheeks

Don't say anything, just listend to me okay?-Sasuke

Sakura silently nodded while whipping off her tears

I shouldn't be actually be here. You see I am from a parallel universe you could say. i know it's hard to believe but it's the truth. Something happened and now I ended up here.-Sasuke

*Parallel universe?*-Sakura

I'm going to leave soon as well. I just wanted to tell you something before I go. *he came closer to her and looked her deeply in the eyes* I may be gone but that doesn't mean your life is over. Knowing that you're not doing well because of me truly breaks my heart. You're a very strong woman and you still have a lot to do. So stop wasting your time crying over me, you know I wouldn't want that.- said calmly and the gave her a big hug

Sakura just burst down in tears. She was speechless and didn't know what to say. All this time she just wanted to talk to him again, just one more time and her wish came true. All of the sudden she felt very relieved. Sasuke let her go

I have to go know. Do your best Sakura.-said Sasuke as he put his two fingers on her forehead

Sakura felt that she was blushing. She wanted to say something but he already left. She wasn't sad, she was rather happy because she got a chance to talk to him again

Back at the hospital

After Sasuke visited Sakura he went straight to Boruto and Naruto

Oi, Sasuke where have you been? You took so long.-Naruto

Sorry, I had some buisness to take care of. Well nevermind that, I have some good news.-Sasuke

Good news? Spit it out Sasuke-san!-Boruto

We can go back to our universe. It has been a week already and this time the coordinates are correct. We'll be able to go back home soon after you rested.-Sasuke

That's great news! I can't wait to go home-ttebasa!-said Boruto with full of joy

But Naruto didn't look very happy- Yeah great news...Sorry but I have to use the restroom real quick.


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Next chapter will be be uptade soon but I'm afraid it may be the last chapter of this story :(

But for now I wish you guys Happy Holidays!!!<3
See ya guys next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2019 ⏰

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