Chapter 5

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Boruto quickly threw some kunais with paper bombs at the Rogue ninjas and with a blink of an eye, he grabbed Shikadai by his arm and ran away as fast as he can.

Damn it...That brat! Find those two now!-one of them commanded

W-where are we going?-Shikadai

Away from those bastards. *Dammit they're right behind us.*-thought Boruto while he was thinking of what to do

Boruto quickly made a handsign and then a Shadow Clone appeared beside him. The Clone ran away in the opposite direction hoping that the Rogue Ninjas would follow him. And it worked. The two boys hid behind a tree to catch their breath.

What do we do now? I'm sure they're gonna realize that they're following a clone sooner or later and come for us.-Shikadai

Don't worry I have plan. I'll keep them busy while you go back to the village and get help.-Boruto

But how are we gonna do that. I bet half of them will follow me and the others will follow you!-Shikadai

I'll have one of my Shadow Clones use Transformation Jutsu and he'll transform into you.-Boruto

That's smart but you have no chance against them, they're too strong and you're outnumbered! They're too many for you to handle, they might kill you.-Shikadai

We really don't have any other choice. I'll be fine.-said Boruto

W-why are you helping me? After what I did to you last time...-said Shikadai as he was looking down at the ground

How many times do I have to tell you? You're my best friend-dattebasa! I'll always be there for you, wether you like it or not!-said Boruto while he smiled at him

Shikadai didn't know what to say...he was completely speechless and just starred at him

What are you waiting for? Go already, before they come back!-Boruto

R-right...*he was about to leave, but then he turned to Boruto* Be careful..-Shikadai, then he left

A few moments later, Boruto heard that the Rogue Ninjas were coming closer. He then made another Shadow Clone that turned himself into Shikadai. At that moment the ninjas had already spotted him

There you are. You brats will regret making us tired!-declared one of them

Yeah, we will beat the heck out of you!-said another

Well, you'll have to catch us first-ttebasa!-Boruto

Boruto tried his best to fight them, but it wasn't easy, like Shikadai said. They were to many and they were much older and stronger then him. Boruto was struggling to keep the enemies busy but he wasn't willing to give up any time soon. He needed to buy some time for Shikadai. Suddenly one of the Rogue Ninjas attacked the Shadow clone and then disappeared right in front of their eyes.

*Crap this is bad!*-Boruto

What the? Another stupid clone? Okay, I had enough of you, you annoying brat!-said one of them in an angry tone

Not my fault you didn't know it was a clone-ttebasa.-Boruto

Shut up! You're going to regret messing with us!-he answered

All of them surrounded Boruto. This was really bad, because he didn't know what do to now. He could really not think of a way to get out of there

You're going with us now!-one of them said

No! I am definitely not going with you!-Boruto

Well, you really don't get to decide that!-answered another

Meanwhile with Shikadai

Shikadai was running back to the village as fast as he could. He still couldn't believe that Boruto helped him. He really didn't expect that. Suddenly he stopped running

What the hell am I doing? Am I seriously running away like a coward? I hate to admit it, but I have to go back and help him. Tch! Does he think I'm weak! I'm gonna show them what I'm capable of!-Shikadai

He quickly turned around and ran back. He wasn't far away so he arrived a few minutes later. But it was too late...He saw how one of the Ninja was holding Boruto and put him on his back. It seemed like Boruto was unconscious. Then they all left, taking Boruto with them. Shikadai tried his best to follow them, but they were too fast and eventually he lost sight of them

Dammit I lost them! And now they've got him as well. This is my fault, I better tell the Hokage about this!-Shikadai

He needed to go back to the village immediately. He ran as fast as he could but he was a bit tired already, but that didn't stop him. He even tripped on the ground, but he quickly got up again and didn't even notice that he scratched his face. At last he finally arrived at the Hokage office, he didn't even knock and just went straight inside

Lord Hokage! Something happened!-Shikadai

Sasuke and Shikamaru were also in the room and were a bit startled

Why, what happened?-Naruto

The Rogue Ninjas! They attacked me but-Shikadai

What! Are you alright?-Shikamaru asked worried

Yeah, I'm fine thanks to that boy. But now they took him! I don't remember his name, he has blonde hair, he's got like whiskers on his face and I think his name is Bo?-Shikadai

Do you mean Boruto?-Sasuke

Yes that's his name! He saved me! You need to help him!-Shikamaru

Don't worry leave it to us. Shikamaru take your son home, he is probably exhausted after that incident.-Naruto

Of course, c'mon Shikadai.-Shikamaru

Y-yes, thank you.-Shikadai

Then they both left, leaving Sasuke and Naruto alone in the room



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See you guys on the next chapter, bye!

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