Chapter 1

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Jennie POV

"Hey boss, your mother is calling" my assistant said as he hands me the phone.

I grabbed it and answered. I gestured my assistant to leave me alone.

"Hello Umma?" 

"Jennie, sweetheart.. when are you coming home?" My mom asked sweetly.

"Haha umma, my flight to Seoul is next week. Don't worry I'm almost finished with the construction here in Paris" I smiled, my mom Sandara Kim is a sweet woman. She is the opposite of my father who is a cold and stoic man.

"But I miss my baby" I could feel her pouting on the other line.

"Yah umma I'm not a baby anymore. I miss you too and I miss Jisoo and Yeri" 

Kim Jisoo is my older sister, she's 26 and already married. Yeri is my younger sister she's still 16.

"Jennie, I know you're delaying your flight home. I'm sorry baby if only I could stop your father" she said sadly and I sighed.

She's right, I don't want to go home. Because waiting for me in Seoul is a dreadful marriage.

Our father Kim Jinwoo, arranged the marriage between my older sister Jisoo and Park Chaeyoung, the daughter of the Park Family for the merging of our companies.

And now, I'm being married off to the eldest child of the Manobans. It's been like this for generations.

The head of the Kim family must choose an eligible partner for the next kin so that our family empire will keep growing

"I'll talk to you soon umma, tell appa I just need time for myself" i heard her sigh

"Be safe sweetie... We love you" i smiled although i know she can't see it.

"Love you too, bye" i hanged up and slumped in my chair looking at mountains of paperworks.

My mother and father were forced to be wed by our grandparents and are blessed with three daughters. Sadly only males can inherit the company.

Our father was not happy about only having daughters and blamed our mother everytime one of us messes up. That's why we learned to follow everything our father wants, to earn his approval.

Since the son of the Park Family, Park Jimin ran away on their wedding day. The only way to save our family from shame was for my sister to marry Jimin's twin sister.

If anyone one of us can give birth to a son then he will inherit the Kim Empire. But if not, the Kim fortune will be handed to my cousin Taehyung. And he's a fucking jerk with a silver spoon up his ass.

The richest family in SoKor is currently us, the Kim Empire. We have Hotel Chains with 24 branches all around the world, Perfume Producing Factories that produces perfumes and colognes for Chanel and other well-known brands and we own 15 resorts that most celebrities stay at. We are also one of the best Tech company in SoKor.

The second richest in SoKor is the Manoban Empire but they are the richest in Thailand. They are famous for their restaurants which has 30 branches all over the world, They also invested in wines and teas and they have an entertainment company and they have international connections  which my father is interested in thus making me marry the Manoban heir.
Nobody really knows how rich they are since their main hub is in Thailand and they are rumoured to be blood related to the British royal family.

Third is the Kang Family, they are more into politics and rumors say they have a royal bloodline like the Manobans but I don't think that's true. They mostly invest in the Park and Manoban Business. They control the military and is not to be messes with.

Lastly, the Park Empire where my older sister married Park Chaeyoung. They are also co-owners of some restaurants the Manoban's own and they own the most prestigious schools here in Seoul. They also own the largest hospital in South Korea.

I can't say that my sister and Chaeyoung are happily married since I haven't heard from Jisoo since they left for their honeymoon. Our father didn't mind that Chaeyoung is girl since her brother ran away then she will inherit everything, that alone makes our greedy father agree.

My concern now is our little sister Yeri. I don't want her to go through an arrange marriage like me and Jisoo. The only way to save her from a loveless marriage is to become the head of the family. That way I can change how this family runs. And in order to do that I have to marry a Manoban. With the help of the Manoban Empire I can raise our business profits as well as gain international connections. I will prove to everyone that a girl can come out on top.

I looked at the folder our father sent me about my future husband.

Lalisa Manoban

Age: 20
Born: March 27
Bloodtype: A
Architecture (completed)
Computer Engineering (completed)
Computer Science (completed)
Hotel Management (completed)
Business Management (still studying)
Gender: intersex

Wait what?! He's a she?! What the hell is going on here?

For Christ sake she's 20! Damn it father.

I'm already 24 and this girl is still in University. Yes, she already has  completed degrees but she's still sooo young. I can't take this!

I called our father immediately. After the third ring he finally answered.

"Jihnwoo Kim speaking" his cold intimidating voice greeted me.

"Appa it's Jennie, may I ask why my so called fiance is still in school?"

"Oh Jennie, I see you've read her profile. Well, I see nothing wrong with it. She's just finishing another degree, quite impressive if you ask me. Such a young age yet she accomplished so much" He spoke in a proud tone.

Tss when was the last time he spoke highly of me? Never.

"Appa, she is 20" I kept my tone calm

"And nobody told me she's a girl frankly I thought you'd be searching high and low for a man since Jisoo married a woman"

"I'm aware she's 20 and mind you she's an intersex. She may be born a woman but she is perfectly capable of impregnating you my dear daughter" He emphasize the 'imprenating you'

This is bad I cannot marry this woman she is barely an adult.

"What will the people say? Appa I will be a laughing stock... Doesn't she have a brother?" I'm slowly losing my temper. I don't want to be a sugar mommy damn it.

"Your marriage will not be public until she graduates. She has an adopted brother who is not eligible because he is not a pure Manoban and Bambam is 17 years old" I could imagine him smirking right about now "You want the underage one?"

Fuck him urgh! I hate him so much...

"Fine.. when's the wedding?" I gritted my teeth and clutched the phone.

"Two weeks from now" damn it I can't escape this..

"And stop being a child. I scheduled for you to fly back tomorrow and I expect you to obey me. Am I understood?" He spoke with an authorative tone which he often used when we were kids.

"Yes Appa"

"Good" after he ended the call I let phone fall to the ground and started crying.

Hang in there Jennie Kim.. remember you have to do this for Yeri and for yourself. This is the only way to prove that you are worthy to the name Kim.

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