Chapter 2

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The flight home was filled with dread and remorse. I hated my situation and I hated my dad for putting me in this situation.

I arrived at the hotel my dad prepared for me and immediately fell asleep. So tommorow I'm meeting my future fiance. I better call Jisoo tommorow god knows i need some pep talk.



Lisa POV

"Woooooo slap that ass!" Jimin cheered as we watch an intoxicated Hanbin dance on stage with a stripper.

"Seriously guys why are we here?" I spoke as loud as I can so they can hear me through the loud music.

"I told you we're celebrating. You're finally getting hitched"

"But I told you guys. I don't want to get married I'm still 20" I grumbled and glared at him. This idiot called me here late at night and I thought he was going to help me.

"Come on Lis live a little and have some fun besides that fiance of yours is quite a hottie" Jimin smirked.

Yeah right, Jennie Kim is one of the youngest business woman who conquered the world with her wits and beauty. Hottie is being humble she's a freaking goddess and I'm... Well, I'm average.

I'm 5'9 and people used to describe me as tall and lanky. I'm not into trendy fashion, I like being comfortable, I don't like attention and most definitely I have no fucking experience with women.

Besides being the only daughter of Marco Manoban "the legendary business tycoon". I'm average... Well yeah I'm smart and I'm not a brat but that's about it. I don't know anything about having a girlfriend what more having a wife.

I don't even know why my dad agreed.
Mr. Kim is actually one of my dads close business partners. Our company has always been on top in terms of international marketing that plays in our favor when exporting goods from Korea and Thailand to the US.

Mr. Kim had a business proposal to use our connection to export their products abroad and in exchange the Kim Empire will invest in any upcoming projects the Manoban corp will lunch. Since our Tech branch where my dad put me in charge is planning  to lunch the new model of cellphones it would be a great benefit to have the Kim Empire supporting us. They are the richest tech company here in South Korea it's obvious their influence would make difference in terms of profit.

My dad was reluctant since we didn't need the Kims as much as they needed us. Although the influence the Kim Empire has would make a difference it is still not enough of an assurance. So to convince my dad, Mr. Kim proposed a marriage.

If I were to marry her daughter that would be assurance enough that the Kim Empire will use all their resources and connections to help the Manoban corp in broadening our tech branch. It will also be a great opportunity for two of the top companies to join forces and take the business world by storm.

Basically they want us to be the "Power Couple" and our families could turn out to be the richest family in Asia.

Just thinking about it gives me headache.

"Hey what are spacing out for?" Hanbin asked as he sat down beside me pulling me out of the clouds.

"Are you done harassing the strippers?"

He raised his eyebrows at me "what do you mean harassing them? They clearly enjoyed it. Come on who wouldn't want a piece of this?" He gestured to his body.

"Yeah, who wouldn't want an idiot slapping their ass. They must be feeling bliss" I sarcastically replied.

"HAHAHA she got you the Han..." Jimin chuckled. He frowned and glared at him.

"Come on guys be serious... I can't marry her. I don't even know what married people are supposed to do. I never had a girlfriend before remember."

"Easy, they have sex all day then get the girl pregnant, have a kid then divorce her ass that's what my parents did" Hanbin replied nonchaly. God I'm surrounded by idiots but I can't blame him for describing it that way.

"Just marry the girl then divorce her... Papa M did say he would cut you off if you refused" Jimin interjected. Pushing the drunk Hanbin.

"Why are you so set on me getting married? You flaked out on your own wedding" I glared at him. This guy left his bride at the altar and hid himself at my place for a month. His sister ended up marrying the girl in his place.

His dad got so furious and cut him off. Lucky he has a sister to save his ass and now he's working for Hanbin.
I don't have a sister and my little brother is still in highschool. Damn my luck.

"HAHAHA yeah lucky my sister got my back she's always been like that. I tried to love the girl but when the wedding day came i couldn't go through with it. Maybe my sister can learn to love her even if I can't. She could have chosen to turn a blind eye and let our family bear the shame. But she made her choice to marry Jisoo and I'll always be grateful to her for doing that."

"So? Are you saying I should use my brother?" I asked confused

"No you retard. I'm just saying, try to love her and see where it goes. If you fall for her then that's great. If you don't then atleast you tried there's no shame in backing out. Divorce is not always a bad thing. My sister can divorce Jisoo if she wanted to but they've been married for two months now and I can tell they are starting to fall in love with one another" He got up and drank one last shot and said "I gotta go Lis.. Hanbin is wasted. I'll call Jungkook and the others to hang with us next time" Then he left...

"Hmmp fucking freeloaders left me with the bill" I grumbled and payed for all the drinks then left. Tommorow is going to be one heck of a new start.

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