Chapter 3

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Jennie's POV

I woke up feeling tired and moody. I mean who wouldn't. Love and Work don't mix I only have room for work and no place for love. So me and marriage is like ice cream and coffee if you take them together it doesn't work out.

I got out of bed and took a shower.
I wonder what kind of person that damn fiance of mine is. From her profile I can tell she's smart but there's no picture of her. I tried googling her but nothing came up. This kid is so low profile I had to ask Seulgi to dig up some info for me.

The Kim Empire is the best Tech company there is and I didn't expect I would need my best hacker just to find more personal information about her. She must be hiding something and I intend to find out. It doesn't make sense that the daughter of the legendary tycoon Marco Manoban would keep her identity hidden.

Maybe she's ugly heh.


"10:30 am" i hummed and looked at my phone. I'm supposed to be meeting her with my parents for lunch at 12:00. It's still early, i guess I'll call Jisoo and ask what she's doing.

I picked up my phone and dialed her number.

"He- Hello?" It took a few rings before Jisoo finally answered.

"Hello unnie? It's Jennie.. are you okay? You sound like you're running for a marathon"

"Ah Uhm yeah Jen I'm fine.. just finished working out?" She answered unsure.

"Are you asking me?" I frowned

"What uhm no... Anyways how are you i heard you're back in Korea" she tried to change the topic but I can tell there's something going on. Whatever I'll let you slide this time Kim Jisoo.

"Yeah just got back yesterday... Have you heard about the news?" I bit my lip and tried not to burst out crying. I've been always been a cry baby in front of Jisoo. She's not just my sister but also my best friend.

"Oh jen... I'm sorry.. you know if I could I would do anything to stop it"
She couldn't even stop her own arrange marriage how can she stop mine? I knew it was hopeless.

" I know unnie.. it's okay I'll get through this.. i just needed someone to talk to"

"I know you will and I'll always be here for you Jen.. " I smiled and tears started to drop.

"Thanks unnie.. i h-have to go i just called to say hi"

"Alright, I'll see you okay? Take care mandu" She made kissing noises. I chuckled and dropped the call.

Hang in there Jen...


Lisa's POV

"Ugh my head hurts" I'm not really fond of drinking as you can tell. I'm a lightweight and i get hang overs just drinking one bottle of sujo. Anyways I need to get up and shower I smell like someone died.

"Kring~" I was about to go shower when my phone rang.

"Yah! You ass! You went out with the guys last night without me?!" Park Chaeyoung or Rosé as we call her shouted

I pushed my phone away from my ear and felt my headache getting worst.

"Chill Chipmunk... I was just out with Hanbin and your brother... The other guys were busy" i scratched my head and laid back in my bed

"Oh so i didn't miss the bachelors party?"

"No chipmunk... Is that why you're calling me?" I asked irritated... I'm sporting a massive headache and this so called best friend of mine is not helping

"I'm your best woman Lis of course i can't miss your bachelor party... I didn't have one as you know"

Of course she didn't have a bachelor party... We were wasted at Jimin's bachelor party only to find one the next morning that he ran away. So Chaeyoung being the 'nice' sister. Snatched her brother's suit and waited at the altar.

She was supposed to be the best woman but that responsibility was tossed back to me.

"Yeah whatever Chipmunk I gotta go take a shower. I'm meeting my future wife later" before she could respond I ended the call. Not giving her time to tease me.

Come to think of it, I saw Jennie Kim for the first time at that wedding. She was the maid of honor and damn she was hot. I couldn't take my eyes off her that day but i know she didn't notice me or even looked at me. I mean I'm not the typical 'good looking' daughter of a business tycoon.

Hell I'm a virgin! I don't drink much and I spend all my time in the office or at the studio alone. My friends even call me a loner... They have to get me drunk so i can atleast chill.

I rubbed my temples and groaned. Remind to kill Jimin and Hanbin.

I got up and stripped so i could take a shower. After showering checked my phone for any nee messages.

"Don't Be Late"

Geez.. He's nagging me again.
This is gonna be a disaster..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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