Chapter 70 Vegeta's Rageful Training!

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When Goku did instant transmission back to Bulma's, me and Goku noticed we had traveled back to where Beerus and Whis were.
"Wah, now I have nowhere to train. And not only that I'm hungry too." Goku complained childishly as his stomach began to growl.
"Yea, I'm with the saiyan. Where's my dinner already. How dare they make me wait so long." Beerus complained.
"You know an empty calling won't lead to a full plate my Lord." Whis counterattacks.
"Really Whis." Beerus reasoned in an annoyed tone of voice.
"Actually I don't really blame em. I'm kinda hungry too." I agreed as I fell to the ground on my bum. Whenever I get too hungry, I either feel great with limitless energy, or I feel totally deprived of it and my head starts hurting. And today was the head hurting one.
"Erisu are you okay? You don't look so good." Goku brought up as he turned to look at me with a look of worry.
"Yea, I just got a bit of a headache is all." I said truthfully with a small smile.
"It's probably from how loud Vegeta's crazy training is." Goku answered.
"Yea that's probably it." I answered again, but this time I felt a bit light headed.
"Hey Erisu?"
"Yeah Goku what's up." I said tiredly.
"Are you okay? I know I've asked you already, but you look kinda tired." Goku brought up, a bit of worry in his voice.
"Yea, it's just so very hot today. Who knew we could have a heated day like this in November." I answered as the heat took over causing me to fall back, leaving my head in Goku's lap. Goku noticed and quickly went to see if I was fine.
"Are you good? You just collapsed?" Goku asked again, still in worry.
"Do you always ask so many questions?" I asked him childishly as I bopped him on the nose with my right pointer finger.
"Um well I don't know." Goku answered a bit nervously as he looked down at me a bit flustered. I couldn't help but giggle at his answer.
"Hey what's so funny." Goku asked once again.
"It's funny that you ask so many questions without even realizing it." I pointed out as I looked back up at his cute face with a toothy smile.
Goku POV
Erisu was laying in my lap and she was looking up at me with that cute smile of hers. I couldn't help but feel my heart skip a few beats as I stared at her face in awe. Than the most heart wrecking thing happened. She opened her eyes, when she did that, it made my heart skip a million beats.
Erisu POV
I watched as me and Goku stared into the depths of each other's eyes. Goku's eyes were gorgeous. Onyx black. The longer I looked into his eyes, the faster my heart beated.
"Hey lovebirds, I thought we were supposed to be training to fight Black. Not making out with our lovers." Vegeta commented pulling me and Goku out of the daze. My face immediately turned from happy to angry. I stayed laying on Goku's lap, but gave Vegeta a glare.
"Really Vegeta I already told you we're best friends, not lovers." I corrected.
Goku's POV
'Was I just friend zoned again?'
Erisu POV
"Hmph, I'm surprised you didn't lose your temper today woman." Vegeta scoffed.
"You should be lucky I'm kinda tired today troll. Otherwise you'd have that face of yours all bruised up." I commented getting an angry Vegeta.
"Again woman with the nickname troll." Vegeta complained.
"I think it suits you. After all just look at the factors. Short, short-tempered, and troll like hair." I pointed out getting a laugh out of Goku, Beerus, and Whis.
"You know she's kinda right Vegeta." Goku added through laughs.
"Oh you think that's funny aye Kakarot. How about this?" Vegeta asked as he lifted me up and threw me on top of Goku. I watched as Vegeta moved some of our positions.
"Ow, what was the point of that Vegeta?" I asked annoyed by his actions.
"Why don't you take a good looks at your boobs and your ass brat." Vegeta pointed out.
"Seriously, why should" my sentence was cut off when I noticed Goku's face was shoved in my breasts, along with his right hand on my ass. He had his left hand on my waist. I blushed at the situation before me. Than that's when it happened, I felt part of his face brush over my chest, which of course caused me to moan a bit. I even felt him squeeze my ass a few times.
"This could turn out to be quite the interesting moment. Don't you think Whis?" Beerus added.
"Why yes my Lord." Whis agreed.
"Seriously guys and Vegeta when I finish Goku, you're next on my assassination list!" I shot at them, but mainly Vegeta.
"Oh so you're planning on finishing him. Than maybe I should get a room for you too." Vegeta suggested getting an even more flustered me. I quickly got up out of anger.
"That's not what I meant you stupid ass troll!" I exclaimed angrily as I punched him in the face causing him to fly straight into the air.
"That should take care of him and now for you, you perverted saiyan." I exclaimed as I went over to punch Goku who had now gained a nose bleed from having his head lodged in between my boobs.
"Wait, but it wasn't my fault Erisu."
"Not your fault. You could've let me go instead of moving you head around in my breasts and squeezing my ass like there was no tomorrow." I added angrily as I cracked my knuckles.
"I'm sorry Erisu!" Goku shouted as he got ready to suffer my wrath, but lucky for him, Future Trunks jumped in and saved him.
"Hey guys what's up?" He asked curiously.
"Oh hi, I was just in the middle of punishing him." I answered Trunks.
"Why is that?" Trunks asked confused which made my face turn red.
"Well its a long story." I answered.
"I can listen." Trunks answered.
"Fine just don't laugh at me. Okay so I called your dad a troll and than he got mad at me."
"Okay, But he looks just like one now that I think about it." Trunks agreed.
"See am I right he looks and acts just like one. Well anyway, and than Goku laughed at him and he picked me up and threw me on top of Goku which resulted in his head going between my breasts and his hands touching my ass." I explained nervously with a tomato face. I watched as Trunks face turned red as well.
"Oh." He simply answered, but I noticed his eyes wonder up and down my body.
"Seriously your a perverted one too." I said annoyed.
"N-no." Trunks exclaimed flustered.
"Hm that's what I thought." I said back as I walked back over to Goku.
"Go easy on him." Trunks commented.
"Hmm, what do you mean by that?" I asked a bit confused.
"Oh yeah, I didn't tell you did I?" Trunks brought up.
"Wait tell me what?" I asked a bit confused by his question.
"Here, if you need to tell me something, let's talk in the kitchen cause I really want a pop." I said as I started walking to the kitchen, Trunks following.
"Okay so what is it?" I asked as I popped the soda open and sat on the kitchen table.
"Okay so in the future you well, you." He started.
"Yeah what happens to me?" I asked curiously.
"You die, but protecting Goku's family from Black." Trunks stated.
"Your joking so even in your timeline, I exist?"
"Yes. You were a very worthy opponent and good teacher in my time line." He explained.
"Really, wow I never would've thought I'd ever be that good of a teacher or nonetheless a worthy opponent." I added happily with a smile.
"Yea, well that's what happened to our timeline version of you." He finished explaining.
"Oh well that's fine. I'd die protecting Goku at some point anyway. After all I do love the man. Wait sorry. Don't tell anyone what I just told you. Especially not Goku." I started panicking in realization of what I had just said.
"Oh okay, well no problem. Although I'd say it's pretty obvious you like him." Trunks pointed out.
"You're joking. Right." I said looking up. I watched as he nodded his head no.
"Uh, well since you know now. Any advice on how to impress him?" I asked him.
"Hm, well I know Goku's big on food." Trunks pointed out.
"Well yeah everyone knows that, but well I just don't know when I should confess to him. You're a guy. When would you want a girl to confess to you?" I asked.
"Hm, well let's see. Probably after all the fighting's finished or yea." I watched Trunks start to blush as he said it.
"Hey wait, you like a girl don't you." I brought up.
"Huh, me no." He answered awkwardly.
"It's okay if you won't tell me, but I can see it a mile away and if you want some advice. I'd say just let her know how you feel. We girls aren't as scary as we seem." I answered with a smile as I got up to go throw my soda can away. I heard footsteps come through the kitchen.
"Oh hey Trunks, Erisu." Bulma greeted happily as she walked in the kitchen.

Reincarnated as a Saiyan (Discontinued) Might work on it in the future, maybe.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang