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I was on my way to Titan tower right now because I had some important work to do.

The towers security system wasn't going to let me in so I used my nanobots to hack into the mainframe to allow me. Interestingly enough it was so easy I didn't need my bots to actually infiltrate the tower they jaunt hacked it from within my body. Oh yeah you may already know I have my nano bots inside my body well since then I've advanced them so that they as now peek technology and I have them self evolving so they upgrade constantly that and I modify them whenever I find new creations and power sources so that they. Always stay at the prime. In every one of my cells there is quadrillions of nanobots matter of fact they are smaller than even atoms. So technically I'm equal part machine and man without losing any parts in the process. What also fantastic is the fact that I have them all hooked up to my brain as the computer. Because I've yet to find anything better at processing. So yeah I'm technically connected to try internet and I'm my own wifi hotspot. That runs better than any other computer in the world. So technically if I'm destroyed I can rebuild my self.

I'm now about to enter the main room of Titan tower where they hang out. So I casually stroll in and tap the unsuspecting cyborg on his shoulder.

Cyborg" what is it beast boy?"

He turns and sees my masked face and jumps and activates his blaster catching everyone's attention

Cyborg " how did you get in here? "

I just looked at him and his electronic parts stopped listening to him.

Joe " Hey guys sorry to bother you I just need a favor from Raven."

Cyborg " Ok, but can you tell me what's happening to my body?"

Joe " oh subconsciously threatened me out of surprise so to ensure my safety I took control of your body? You see I have access to every electronic that is connected to any form of the Internet. I can also break through any secure servers. Only way to be immune to this is to be using a different type of database I don't know about however I have discovered hundreds of private data bases. Matter of fact I have control of every country's super weapons that I know of. Here I'll let you move again, besides if you ever want some upgrades it'll cost you but I will do it."

Cyborg " sure I'll think about it."

Raven " so what do you want with me?"

Joe " I need your help when it comes to magic you are currently the only one I have access to who knows any type of magic. "

Raven "And why would you want to know that? "

Joe " because I'm aware of threats like trigon and even more powerful foes who i have no chance against if I don't know how to fight magic."

Raven seemed hesitant

Raven " I will be willing to teach you if you let me scan your soul for negative energy if I don't like what I see I will refuse you but if you pass I will teach you the basics."

I agreed to her proposal and let her scan my soul and she been doing it for about fifteen minutes now.

Raven " the examination is complete I don't sense any form of negativity only determination and for dorm odd reason your soul is strange it's almost as if it's alive as a separate but it's still relies on and attached to you almost as if you are two beings combined. Besides when you look at a soul it's like a record of all emotions ever felt, however yours I could only feel in the moment matter of fact I've been trying to read your mind the entire time but all I would get is a static void. Do to your constant heroic actions and what your done as a businessman and scientist, I'm only left with positive results from your actions but the uncertainty makes me caution toward not teaching you what I know, so how about I give you the details of a more powerful magic user who is more likely able to sort you out. "

 Bizarre Isekai adventure in the multiverse ( new title)  Where stories live. Discover now