Jojo/blitz/ and vote

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Me and speed wagon were now in Europe we made our way to place where Caesar would rush into fight Wamuu only to find that the battle had already long since happened but I found what appeared to be a unconscious Caesar Zeppeli which means dio must have used his powers to start reviving people like he did in eyes of heaven. Shit that means I'll probably have to go back to morioh for Shigechi. I notice a flesh bud on Caesar so I remove it and destroy it. Speed wagon was confused and a little grossed out. Once Caesar woke up he was confused.

Caesar " didn't I die, where am I who are you people?"

He got on the defensive.

Joe " you did die but time altering things happened to your world and someone evil revived you in order to help destroy the Joestars I however broke his control over you, you may know the man his name is dio your grandfather was an enemy of his. I need you to come with me as I find the Joseph joestar of your time to help him. It's hard to believe but I need you to trust me my name is joe shadow and I also am a hamon user."

He reluctantly joins me as we make our way to find Joseph. Luckily on this journey I had developed hermit purples abilities and could now track things.

I arrived at the battlefield where Kars Became the perfect being to watch and it seems that said event just happens but before the battle could go further time stopped and I watched as Kars was taken from the battle.

Time restarted The people left at the battlefield was a bunch of dead Nazis, and few living people Stroheim, Joseph, and lisa Lisa

I revealed myself

Joe" you three must be confused allow me to explain"

They look at me and are shocked to see Caesar and a young speed wagon.

Joseph" Caesar your alive and speed wagon your young what the hell is going on."

To the best of my abilities I explain the circumstances and manage to convince them to join me. I also got the locations of their Suzy q, Smokey, erina and speedwagon from them but I first had to get something I told them about World War Two and the history of the Nazis. This seemed to suprise them
All including Stroheim. He immediately took off his uniform and spat on it. He then explained he was only a soldier because he loved his country but never shared the beliefs of the Nazi party and that is why he was only the rank he was and given the tasks he was given he also explained about how he was shunned by his colleagues for his differences in belief. I could only sigh in relief that Araki had created a character who was not a racist though
These dead former comrades of his probably were not like minded.

After gathering up the group I brought them to the base and sent them to meet the others. I however went back to Morioh and found the newly revived Shigechi and I was pleasantly surprised to also find Aya the user of the cinderella stand I sent them to the base but then I realized I had to save hayato so I may or may not have kidnapped him and his mom meanwhile I took stray cat.

Shinobu " who the hell are you people let me go where are you taking me and my son."

Joe " away from the man who is impersonating your husband and using you guys as a cover for his identity. Your husband was killed and then replaced by a serial killer with supernatural powers. If you don't believe in powers here let me show you (turns hand into a bird ) you may have realized he's been acting different well that's why. Your son already knows all of this but can't reveal it or else it kill people because he's been implanted with a supernatural bomb that kills those he tells the information to luckily for you I can remove said bomb and I just removed you from the environment where at any moment you could die. "

I then go to hayato who's obviously has witnessed bites the dust happen a few times now.  I then had Rohan use heavens door on him from there I had bites the dust reveal itself which scared the stand users, but then I used the world over heaven requiem to alter reality so that bites the dust was no longer active in hayato.  In case you don't know I also have all of Puccis stands unlocked and on a higher level than he could ever achieve. Yes I have all time based stands and some space and reality altering abilities with other stand powers I've unlocked within darkness my evolution stand.

After getting shit settled with the joestars. I reviewed info that my people have succeeded in capturing and securing multiple anomalies. I've also got intel on a sight that the foundation has so I decided to have a suprise invasion with a squad lead by me and my second in command spartan iron heart.

I teleported my squad of fifty of my greatest soldiers being led by iron heart and I into the foundation site. There we began securing as much intel, science personnel and easier to transport anomalies as possible  since we caught them so off guard we blitzed them so effortlessly that it took thirty minutes for security to realize something was wrong that's when they activated lock down procedures and sent swarms of MTF onto us I had my soldiers split up into groups of five while I went and iron heart went solo I broke into a containment room and skimmed the files of the anomaly in it before pocketing the intel and decided on grabbing the anomaly for myself. After a hour and a half had passed the site was completely locked down and my men couldn't regroup. So I used my sticky fingers ability to open pathways for us to regroup once we did I teleported us back to one of our bases ( not JoJo base we have hundreds of bases)

After securing or I'll gotten goods I went of the catalog, one mtf captain, six level 3 scientists two level 4 scientists, eighty terabytes of data and three " safe " class anomalies including the one I took. We only had one causality and it wasn't fatal it was that one of are men had fallen for a memetic safeguard while obtaining files so I sent him to pysch bay to be treated." Our armor was superior to the weapon the low class MTF used but then again this was one of the most minimal security facilities within the foundation and they were caught off guard with no time to equip higher level equipment. Luckily I also
Managed to erase all security footage and audio of the event to help Cover  our tracks.

I then took my new anomaly which I planned to use on myself to enhance my body of a perfect life form but since I have unbelievably high mental resistance as well as a mechanical blend of my being the negative side affects of This SCP shouldn't work on me. SCP -427......

Authors note feel free to vote for two safe class SCPs to be the others that were obtained. If nobody votes I will choose them myself.

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