The Prince

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I was currently on my motorcycle chasing down some thugs who had just kidnapped a child. They thought their modified van with nitrous would be enough to escape me but they were wrong. I used my gadgets to shoot a harpoon grappler at the back doors of the van. It speared through it then the grappling hook part opened up and I had it reel in and rip the doors off that's when I had my motor cycle stay on the van bumper to bumper. I then jumped into the back and swiftly knocked out the gunmen in the back I then had the child be caught in a protective force field from my bike to keep him safe. That's when six blacked out military trucks pinned us in. They opened fire on me. In the process killing the driver. Causing the cam an to flip over the guard rail flying to the Forrest bellow the over pass highway.

Some of the gunmen I knocked out where injured and one was dead. I smelt gasoline and grabbed the least  injured  thug and ran for cover as the van blew up. Soon some trucks were on us as well as a helicopter. But what surprised me most was the dozens of private military  forces came out through the wood as if they were prepared for this . I asked their business were but they ignored and opened fire on us . I used my body to cover the thug so he wouldn't die. My armor could hold hell I didn't even feel the impacts of there rifle and machine gun fire however I heard everything so loud so I tuned out the gunfire so I could hear what was being said . Seeing they couldn't peirce my armor they upped the anti and began to use shotgun slugs and sniper rounds which then became 50. caliber anti material  rifles which I started to feel some vibrations from. But that's when they began to use the helicopters guns and rockets. Now it was a problem as the heat from the explosions could prove problematic for the person I'm trying to cover and could even burn him. So I called in my baby and it showed up with the child still in the force field. I had it open fire with a EMP which took out all the electronics deactivated the vehicles , and took out the helicopter crashing it onto some of the forces below, then it exploded.causing much more chaos to the troops. I then had the bike launch canisters of paralytic gas which goes through any armor, clothing , hasmat, or gas mask that I desire do to it being infused with my nanobots . The remaining forces found themselves unable to move and on the ground I tossed the unconscious thug into the force field . I proceed to to grab some of the radio equipment that the mercenaries were using . Under the cover of a smoke screen, that's when I hopped on my bike put it into stealth mode making it invisible and soundless you couldn't even see it on sonar or thermal vision. That's when I proceeded to take them to one of my hidden sites obviously they were checked for transmitters before hand and they were out of it so they wouldn't have seen where we went. I had put the thug into an interrogation room and the kid in a secure play room equipped with its own bathroom, mini fridge, video games and what not.   Meanwhile I had hacked the equipment I retrieved from the soldiers. And entered their data base that was on a private server, Cutoff from the World Wide Web. I had my machines go to work decrypting everything, record the entire serve, and monitor there movements. While it was happening I decided to check up on my nano boys that now had infiltrated the mercs I left at the crash site. They went to work on using DNA to identify each and every infected soldier which allowed me to do plenty of background research. With all my new information on the PF's (private forces) to I see that they are a military outfit based in international waters. They are often known to work for criminal organizations, terrorist groups, militia, and oppressive governments and regimes. They have dated since the end of the Second World War started off as group of  escaped war criminals and soldiers who wanted to fight no matter who it was for.

Well through their files it would seem that the mayor of jump city was payed to let them work on American soil for this mission. And that's what surprised me. The boy is the young prince of a Eastern European country and his mother is the queen his father being the queens consort. It would seem that the queen has proposed a new feature in their government that would elect officials for important government positions as well as let the people vote on laws and acts they wish for the queen to approve? It would appear the dictator of its neighboring country saw this as an act against their countries sovereignty so they plan on capturing the prince to have the queen pay a ransom. However the plan is to receive the money and artifacts they  want then plan to execute the boy and broadcast it as their troops invade the country that is distracted by the boys fate. Needless to say this goes against my ideas of peace. I don't mind expansionism or certain conflicts or wars however. This dictator is a crazed mad man who seeks for only power. Looking into my knowledge on him he has any who oppose his reign put into forced labor camps alongside their families turning them into slaves.

It also seems this isn't the first country he has invaded recently. And I must say this world is unique. As compared to my previous earth this planet is double the size with triple the land mass. Allowing for more countries to exist. However almost all countries have from my previous timeline are similar but now with more ethnic groups and territories it's quite unique. Besides it would appear Atlantis and aqua man are still hidden. Can't wait to see their technology. And wonder woman hasn't told the world about the amazons. So many big players are still out of the game for now. Back to the previous topic he has invaded six neighboring countries who were quite week and didn't have alliances. They pleased for help to NATO and the United Nations however they couldn't directly aid as the country at hand borders a large communist world power who would see  it as an act of war. So the smaller nations are left helplessly as this dictators army grows in power and experience as they are being trained by the PFs , and the money gained from the conquered lands are put to military use.

It would appear that this boys kingdom is actually quite strong but hasn't had much experience since they've stayed out of conflicts since they gained access to several nuclear devices. However the dictator having recently signed to my anti nuke program is confident that he won't be nuked do to my companies ability to shoot them down.

I talk to the thug and he said his crew was hired by the PFs to kidnap the boy and deliver him to a warehouse, however any interference they were to take over. However it would appear the mercs had planned to kill them regardless. So I have the merc sent to witness protection were they could give him a new identity and help him get his life together. 

As for the boy I inform him about the people after him and how I'm a superhero who would protect him and get him back home. I put him on my bike and we went at Mach 20 to his homeland . As wondering how the speed doesn't liquify us well simple my tech is so advance it creates a nigh impenetrable protection with a safe environment for the user, and it is constantly improved. 

I find my way to ten castle and drive right the throne room. Once people notice what has happened the royal guard surround me. The prince then makes himself known and tells them that I'm a superhero who saved him on his trip to jump city. Apparently he was kidnapped on his way to a teen titans meet and greet apparently it went completely unnoticed except fir my advanced surveillance. I then provided all the information about the PFs the dictator and the plans with my evidence to back it up. Furious the queen wanted to immediately go to war with the country. That's when I spoke to her.

Joe " your majesty it would be a long and bloody war that could possibly grow into a bigger conflict. So as to avoid that travesty I have a plan. Why don't you take a page from your enemies book and get outside help from a non aligned group."

Queen " as much as I would like that I'm afraid the only money I could provide would be our military budget. Meaning if this group were to fail me my military would fall apart  during the inevitable conflict "

Joe " that's where I might be able to help you, I know a group that would do it for non financial Profit instead a trade agreement and ownership of some mines, and natural resources. In return this groups would not only eliminate your threat it would give your country all the enemies land and controlled nations, meaning you would Gain ten times the territory. And all its wealth and resources. As well as you would be seen as hero to the world for saving the oppressed people, without conflict."

Queen " I'll contact this group and if they succeed I'll uphold my agreement if they fail I will not acknowledge working with them. Now who is this group"

Joe " they are known as a few things, Shadow  industries, shadow conglomerate. Whatever you may call it ask to talk to the owner and, here's the number you need to call and tell them that I'm the one who recommended it"

Queen " what should we call you?"

Joe "I have many names, the demon, demon king, immortal, dragon. Monster, Diablo, arch angel, death, savior, hero, crusader, Saint. But  you can call me the TIME KEEPER."

Thats when his mask changed to show yin-yang on the face of the mask, and a giant red hour glass appeared on the back of the trench coat. He then used his bike to vanish from the castle .

 Bizarre Isekai adventure in the multiverse ( new title)  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora