~ Twenty-Seven ~

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Charlotte, stunned by this turn of events thought to alert passers-by of her abduction but was thwarted by Sir Edward, who held her securely away from the windows. At the same time, Mrs Campion drew down the curtains blocking out the world beyond and plunging them into semi-darkness. Georgiana would sound the alarm, she realised, and abruptly stopped struggling. Instead, Charlotte turned her fury on the other occupants of the carriage.

"What is the meaning of this?" She demanded. Far too incensed to feel afraid, despite the strong hold Sir Edward had on her arms. She would bruise, she was sure.

"Miss Heywood, thank you for joining us," Mrs Campion's voice was as sweet as treacle but her face, distorted with malice, belied her tone. "Now, I shall be within for but a moment," she continued, "Sir Edward here, has agreed to dispose of the little fly in my ointment. I shall leave you in his capable hands."

"Why are you doing this? This is absurd. Do you think this act will go unnoticed – unpunished?" Charlotte returned.

"Fear not," Smirked Eliza, "I am secure in the knowledge that there is not one single person who would link me to this unsavoury turn of events. Society will believe another provincial Miss became a victim of a seasoned rake and eloped with him. Sir Edward is quite notorious, you realise." A shrill laugh escaped her.

"You're mad!" Charlotte exclaimed in disbelief, "And Sidney? He will come for me, you know. He will never believe for a moment I ran off with Sir Edward Denham! No sensible female would. The whole idea is ludicrous." Charlotte laughed without humour. "No offence intended," she added over her shoulder.

"None taken," He replied sardonically.

The carriage slowed to a halt, and Eliza readied herself to disembark.

"This is where I leave you. Don't worry, Sir Edward will ensure that neither my future husband nor I ever set eyes on you again." With a nod to her accomplice, Eliza left the carriage.

Parker Residence, Bedford Place, Cheapside

Sidney had just arrived home from a meeting with his bankers where he had been desperately seeking a fiscal solution to his dilemma. He was handed an urgent letter from Tom. He sat at his desk and quickly opened the note. Trepidation flowed through him as he expected yet another request for funds. Therefore, it was with some disbelief and an equal amount of euphoria that he read Tom's message. Investors? The Regent? What the deuce?

He was still in shock when a commotion broke out in the entrance hall. His brother, closely followed by Georgiana, Mary and Diana burst through the door of his study. Arthur, bent double, was panting as though he has run all the way from Hyde Park. The ladies wore expressions of shock. Diana was sobbing, and Mary was as pale as a ghost. Georgiana looked like she would like to commit murder. "What the devil?" He asked alarmed.

Georgiana spoke first, "It's Charlotte!" She cried, "The blackguard has taken her."

The world stopped. Sidney shook his head as if to clear it. Surely, he had misheard.

"Charlotte?" He repeated, "What do you mean 'he' took her? I thought she was with you?" He felt panic rising in his chest. "WHAT BLACKGUARD?" He roared.

Hysteria reigned for a moment before he could calm himself enough to speak once more, "Georgiana, who took her?"

"Sir Edward Denham. He made an excuse - something to do with Lady Denham - Charlotte approached the carriage, and he bundled her inside. I was waiting nearby but was not close enough to prevent it. Sidney, I'm so sorry." Georgiana explained, distraught.

"Jenson!" Sidney bellowed. His butler was hovering outside of the door. For once, Sidney was glad of his impertinence. "I need my horse saddled at once."

Mary gave Sidney's arm a squeeze as a simple show of support before hurrying to the desk, "I must write to inform Lady Susan. She and Alison will be beside themselves."

"Wait, Sidney, I will quickly write down adescription of the coach. It's not much, but it may help you find her."Georgiana ran to the desk and scrawled a description on the back of a letterthat had been left open on the desk, "Here, take this. Bring her back to us,please Sidney."

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