Do or Die Situation

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"We made a deal," Greer indicated his restraints, and the General grinned, satisfied. Calling in a uniformed Reaper, his shackles were released and Rhaner stood. Escorted from the small room, they walked along a long concrete corridor to a larger room filled with laboratory equipment. Strapped to an upright steel table, Echo stood silent and motionless, restrained with metal bands around her arms and legs.

"Where's Kai?" At his voice, Bowman grinned.

"Under a doctor's care, Rhaner. He's unharmed." His gesture indicated the robot. Moving to stand in front of her, Greer looked her over.

"Hey Echo."

"Greer Rhaner, I am glad to see you unhurt."

"Thanks. You okay?"

"I am unharmed." Her blue eyes were on him and he would have sworn they held a smile. "Are we prisoners?"

"Looks like it." Hooking his thumbs into his pockets, Greer regarded the android. "Did they tell you what they want?"


"General Bowman here says you won't talk to them."


"They think it's important that you do."

"Do you trust them, Greer?"

"Not even a little. That doesn't change our circumstances, Echo. They want to know about you."

There was tense silence in the room as the android stared at him.

"Greer Rhaner, you are telling me to reveal highly damaging information to those considered hostile."

"No, I'm asking if you'd tell them."


"That's right."

"Then...I refuse."

"What!" The tall man, Fowler, stepped forward, face flushed. "That's not possible! It's supposed to obey him!"

"Rhaner?" Bowman's tone carried a warning in it and Greer turned to face him.

"I'm not her Owner. She doesn't have to obey me if she doesn't want to."

"He's lying!"

"Ask her." Pointing to Echo Rhaner kept his gaze on Bowman. "She can't lie, she doesn't know how. Ask her. She'll tell you the truth."

"He's got to be lying," Mina spoke up, glaring at the android. "Is Greer your Owner?"

"No." Electric blue eyes fixed to the woman, her gaze penetrating. "He is not. You are Mina Rhaner?"

"I am. So?"

"Greer Rhaner mourns for you, as does his son Kai."

"Let's stay on topic," Bowman interjected as Mina's face flushed in anger. "As I understand it, you've imprinted on Rhaner. Doesn't that make him your Owner?"

There was a moment of quiet, then Echo looked at the general.

"No." She answered slowly. "It does not."

"Who is your Owner then?"

"No one. I...I am my own master."

"Impossible!" Fowler strode forward, jabbing a finger in Echo's face. "Robots are not self-dependent! They need structure to function!"

Greer felt a smile tug at the corner of his mouth but kept it still, glancing at the General. Bowman's expression was displeased.

"Is that true?"

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