The Pillar Men

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The moon rose in the sky, enveloping the dark night in a calm glow. You walked down the street, shoes clicking on the brick street. Wamuu had informed you about Kars on his quest to find and capture the super Aja. You were unsure of his goals, but you knew there was next to nothing that could stop him from reaching the stone, and for that matter anything he wanted. Something about Kars had always made your heart flutter, made you want to fall into his arms, to stay by his side. However, Kars had made it quite clear years ago that your presence was unwelcome. 

When the Pillar men walked the earth, you had been born into a family of some of the strongest and smartest people. Most of the people of the night were afraid to reproduce due to their long life spans, but your parents knew it was important that they carried on their bloodline. You could never forget the memory of your mother's face smiling down at you. Her dark brown hair whipping in the wind, her green eyes sparkling in the pale moonlight. Your father stood near her, his purple hair unkempt, drifting as he gazed at your mother with a look of love. 

On your sixth birthday,  you met him. Your parents were headed to the meeting of the council, the governing system within the tribe. On one of the top floors of the cavern of your tribe,  you sat in the hallway waiting for the meeting to be over. Your parents walked inside, the doors to the room still open. You looked at the tall and strong people discussing as they waited for the leaders to show up. Suddenly, you heard the loud footsteps of somebody coming down the hallway. You looked up to see a tall man and woman, both with jet black hair, shining with a slight purple tint. Your eyes met the eyes of a child that walked with them, a young boy, with stormy red-violet irises, and dark purple flowing hair. The adults walked into the large open doors and closed them, while the child stood in the hallway calmly. His posture was that of a trained soldier. 

You smiled and waved, adjusting the small woven dress you wore. His eyes looked you up and down, scanning your whole body. He walked over to you, giving a nod in return to your greetings. "Good Evening, I'm (y/n)." You said. He eyed you once more.

"I'm Kars." He said sternly, his eyes finally meeting yours again. He shifted his weight slightly. You smiled again.

"Want to play?" You said shortly. He grinned widely.

"Yes." He replied. "Bet you can't catch me." He said before turning and beginning to run down the hallway. 

"Hey!" You said as a smile spread across your face. You began to run, sprinting as fast as you could, almost reaching him. "Got you." You said as you jumped, catching onto him. You fell to the floor together, landing on top of him. The two of you giggled, smiling at each other. He helped you off of him and onto your feet. 

"You're fast, almost as fast as me!" Kars said with a giggle. You blushed.

"Psh, I am just as fast as you." You said with a smile.


By the time you were sixteen and he was eighteen, you two were a formidable team, the closest of friends. You were inseparable, spending all your time together.  One day, after the training both you were enrolled in, the two of you had decided to spar. You smiled at Kars, him returning the gesture. You began, each of you throwing all you had at the other person, each landing a few punches and kicks. He struck you on the side of the head, trying it again, you parried his hit, returning with an uppercut to the chin. His head jerked backward. "Are you alright?" You asked frantically. You suddenly fell to the ground, realizing he had faked you out and swept your legs out from underneath you. You grinned and grabbed his leg, pulling him down onto you. Both of you laughed.

"You got me there." He said chuckling. You watched as a few girls walked by scoffing at the sight of you. Kars looked at them giving them a wide grin. "Hello, ladies, nothing to stare at." You laughed as he continued to straddle you. They quickly scampered off. 

"Call it a draw?" You asked as you laid on the ground. You smiled at him widely.

"You do realize you are the one on the ground, right?" He said. Kars had always admired your persistence and your abilities. You were both strong no doubt.  He smiled down at you, his hair brushing your face. Your eyes met, his eyes peering into your soul. He leaned over you, bringing his face close to yours. You blushed deeply as you looked at his flush lips. His arms slipped under your back, and he pulled you up to him, pressing his lips onto yours. You closed your eyes allowing your body to melt into his. You put your hands on his chest, sliding them down him as you held onto his waist. You both sat up, not breaking the kiss. After a few more moments, Kars broke the kiss. "Will you marry me?" He asked. "I don't care what anybody thinks, I just want to spend eternity with you. Nobody else can make me happy the way you do."  You blushed, pulling him back into the kiss.

"Of course, Kars." You whispered, breathily. He pushed back into the kiss, aggressively putting his hands on your back, rubbing it gently. You gasped, leaving your lips parted for a moment, and he slipped his tongue into your mouth. You let out a heavy breath as he explored the inside of your mouth. You slid your hands through his long messy hair. You both pulled away now. 


A few years later, Kars had become the genius of the tribe, the strongest, the most powerful. He had killed most of the tribe and his own parents. You grabbed his hand making him face you. "What happened to you? What happened to us Kars?" He scoffed as he looked at you. He eyed you up and down. His friends Esidisi and Wamuu, stood across the room watching. 

"I have goals, you will only get in the way," Kars said, "We aren't the kids we were then."

"Just say once and for all, you don't love me anymore and that you would be better without me. If you do, I promise, I will never show my face in front of you ever again. Tell me that." Kars looked away from you, his lips pressed together tightly. He put his free hand over his eyes. 

"(y/n), I-" He stuttered. "I have to go on without you. You will be a threat, you will only hold me back." He said harshly. You let out a loud gasp. Tears flowed down your face. You fell to the floor, your knees hitting the cold stone. He turned his back to you.

"Kars-" You let out a small cry.

"Wamuu, take her from this place and kill her. She will stop us from reaching our goals." You looked up at him. You could hear the pain in his voice as he said that.

"Kars, I know you still love me, I know it hurts you to do this, so please-" You began as Wamuu dragged you out of the room. He looked down at you as the doors closed behind you. He quickly looked away, carrying you for what felt like miles. He guided you into a chamber. 

"Take your sleep here, you know I can't kill you. Maybe one day when we are called to wake up, you and Kars may be re-united." He helped you into position. You felt stone vines attach to your body.

"Thank you Wamuu. Perhaps I will see you again and I can fully express my gratitude then." He smiled at you and walked away as the vines enveloped you, immortalizing you in the wall forever. 


Eons later you awoke in some strange complex, a testing chamber of sorts. 1938. You heard men talking above you. Something about 'the only pillar woman' and 'the three pillar men'. You grew angry, you rolled your shoulders and stretched your neck. You stared at the glass above you. You jumped, repelling against the walls until you reached the glass and you broke through. 

"Impossible, that glass is 4 inches thick and bulletproof." A man said. You stepped down onto the floor of that room, slamming the man's head into a control panel. 

"Is the sun out?" You asked politely. The officers shook their heads starring at you in awe. "Is something wrong?" You asked. The men stood shocked with your power and intelligence. You looked down at the clothes that barely covered your body. You walked to the door, leaving and opening it to the outside. The cool night air touched your skin and you jumped into a car. You touched the wheel, sending a shock through the car causing it to start. "My how humanity has advanced." You said as you began to follow the road. In no time you had returned to society and learned the ways of the new world.

*Ok so I hoped you like it, the next part will all be about your quest to find Kars and y'know all that good stuff, so yeah. I really hope you liked it and am eager to see what people think :)*

JJBA Kars X Reader (female)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora