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(A/N) Wow, like I don't even know what to say besides thank you, guys! We are at like 511 reads and I am totally shocked. I never expected people to enjoy this story as much as they have been. I seriously really appreciate it! Y'all are amazing and thank you for being awesome as always! Anyway, back to the story! <3 <3 <3




Joseph took a step towards the four of you. You glanced quickly at Kars, his ominous air overwhelming the room. His purple hair was covered by the black hair wrap again, and it took all your strength not to pull it off his head and reveal his braid. His arms tensed, the muscles on his biceps becoming more defined than before. Kars swiftly raised his hand, motioning for you and his men to stand down. You let out a small exhale, understanding he wasn't going to fight yet. "Joseph Joestar, whatever could we chat about?" His voice thundering through the room.

"The stone," Joseph said, trying to muster the same confidence that Kars exuded. Kars chuckled lightly.

"Certainly, but there is not much to talk about. I will take the stone and use it as I desire." He said.

"See that's where the problem lies Kars, I'm not going to let it go very easily," Joseph replied, rings of Hamon circling his hands.  Lisa Lisa stepped up to Joseph's side.

"We want to figure this situation out peacefully, Kars." She said as her arms crossed. You walked to Kars's side. 

"Why don't you talk about your true intentions with the stone, start negotiating." You said whispering in his ear. His arm wrapped around your waist and he stood stronger, you clinging to his side. He bent down slightly, placing a kiss on top of your head. Caesar cleared his throat. 

"I don't care how this ends, as long as I have the stone," Kars said glaring at the group of Hamon users. You escaped his grasp. 

"What if we were to make a deal? What if you allowed us to have the stone for the reasons we need it and return it to you. After that, you would be allowed to use the stone against us if we had any evil intentions with it." You said, trying to be diplomatic rather than using Kars's stoic ways.

"How are we to ensure the stone is returned to us? Won't you be too powerful to stop after you have unleashed the power of the stone?" Lisa Lisa asked glaring at you. You were slightly confused by the look since you were arguing for her in away. She eased her glare as Kars stared at her, drawing his blades from his arms. You rolled your shoulders and relaxed them.

"What if you were there when we used the stone?" You said, catching Joseph's eyes. He looked out of the side of his eye, considering your suggestion. 

"Wouldn't you still be too powerful us to fight off? If you go corrupt right after you use the stone, then won't you be able to defeat us easily. If what we have been told is true, you would become the peak of creation and evolution." Joseph said adjusting his scarf. Kars interjected the talking, standing in front of you. He sighed without losing any of his confidence and power.

"I may not like to admit, but I truly do not want anything bad to come upon this earth. It's a simple wish, I just want to walk in the sun so that I can further advance this world, to make it prosper and flourish. It is true that is not what I wanted 10,000 years ago, but I have had time to think. I used to crave power, power to control this earth, to best the sun, to be higher than whatever created this vast planet. I cast out those I held dear because of it," He said pausing to look and gesture at you before continuing, "I killed my race, I hurt everyone. People call me an all-powerful god, an evil force none can reckon with, and yet I can't even forgive myself for the ruthlessness I have shown. My dream to walk in the sun came from (Y/N). I just wanted to see her, in the full gorgeous light of the sun. I wanted to marry her under the light of that luminous ball in the sky, but my obsession with the heated orb grew more and more until I corrupted myself. To be completely honest, the only thing I want now is to become the highest god I can be to better the world again. I want to make the beings of this earth peak just like I wanted to at one time. I want to create a peaceful world, and I'm not really sure how to start. My final desire, just like the one that started my reign of terror, is to see my goddess  enveloped by the bright shine of the sun." He took a deep breath. "I understand your fear of allowing me to have the red stone, but I would be happy to find compromise. I wouldn't be against having help to figure out how to better the world, and you humans could help me." Kars said. You reached out for his hand and he took it in his.

"I-I- I'm not sure. I understand what you said Kars, but there's so much you have done." Joseph said, slightly shocked by the sudden emotion and passion-filled Kars.

"I'll let you leave this place alive today, we can talk about this again, tomorrow. The sun will be high in the sky soon, you should go. I am willing to work with you, think thoroughly about this opportunity, Jojo." Kars said, the emotion leaving his face. He motioned to the door and the group of Hamon users headed for the door. You heard them muttering confused about what had just happened. "Esidisi, Wammu, we will meet before they return about what to do." Kars finished before pulling you up the stairs. The maids on the staircase stood to the side, slightly awestruck by Kars's appearance. You smiled at Kars, cheerfully following him. His face was solemn and distraught.

"Are you alright?" You asked him as you sat down on the couch by the fire in Kars's room. His hand released yours and clenched into fists. 

"I showed too much emotion. I was vulnerable, I lost my power over them, they have the advantage." He said, staring stoically into the fire. You stood up and leaned against his back, taking his hair wrap off and hugging him. He relaxed slightly at your warm touch.

"Your emotion shocked them. It might have just given you the advantage you needed, it showed you were human, it showed a trustworthy side of yourself. You think you lost, but watching them talk afterward you were the clear winner." You said leaving a soft kiss on his shoulder. He turned around to face you.

"You've always been too smart for your own good, you always know what to say, I'm so sorry for casting you out. That's all I can think about since you came back, how I had wronged you and you were just ok with it. Why didn't you ever find someone better than me?" Kars asked, his eyes appearing slightly discouraged. 

"Are you kidding me? Kars I have loved you since the minute I saw you, I have loved you for over 10,000 years! Why do you think I would replace you? My love for you runs too deep to love anyone but you ever again. I don't care what you have done or what you will do, as long as you feel the same, I will continue to love you forever." You said, your eyes teary. He hugged you tightly, his body transporting you into a paradise where the two of you were alone, the world around you faded away, and the only thing that mattered was the man hugging you. He kissed the top of your head, his hands gently placed on your waist.

"I love you, and never again will I make the mistake of taking you out of my life." He said, his breath brushing up against your forehead. He led you to the couch and sat you down next to him, laying your head down in his lap. His finger traced your chin slowly as his other hand fiddled with your hair.

"Your really pretty dude, like super pretty." You said taking his hair out of the braid you had put it in. His hair erupted into this beautiful curly mess of mysterious dark purple hair. He laughed smiling down at you.

"Not as pretty as you." He said pressing a light kiss to your cheek. He continued to play with your hair and you closed your eyes, relaxing into his lap. You slowly drifted off to sleep, allowing the minimal sleep you had gotten last night to finally catch up to you. Soon Kars fell asleep with you, his head resting on the arm of the couch. The fire burned a deep orange, causing shadows to dance across the two of your slumbering bodies.




(A/N) Shorter chapter I know, but I wanted to get something out quickly as I had just updated my other story. Anyway, catch ya next time awesome people ♥♥♥ !!! 

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