Update :P

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Ok, guys! So today I want to talk about where the story may go in the future, so I just want to let you all know before I make any serious changes. I'm thinking about the plot and I have a few key things, but I'm not exactly sure where to go yet. Here are my options:

1. The reader helps solve the conflict between the pillar men and Joseph Joestar. They come to a peaceful agreement and Kars is allowed to become the ultimate being as long as he doesn't do anything evil. He wants you to become the ultimate being so you can go in the sun with him. You and the Joestars & friends become close.  

2. Modernize the story, skipping past the Joseph Joestar conflict, and Kars becomes a business owner and you work with him.

3. Continue the story as it is now and just roll with it.

Right now I am leaning towards a combination of 1 and 2, but mainly 1. Please let me know what you think. I really want to write something that people are interested in. On that note, thank you so much for 111 reads! I really appreciate it! It seriously means so much to me that people are actually reading the stuff I like and hopefully enjoying it. Please comment the number that you think I should go with. Have a great day! :) <3 <3

JJBA Kars X Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now