Joseph Joestar

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You woke up to a maid standing over you, gently tapping your shoulder. Stretching, you sat upon the chaise lounge. "My lady, Lord Kars has sent us to bring you clothes." She said with a wide smile. Her arms held a silky purple dress, showing it to you. "There is more for you upstairs, please My lady, let us help you dress." She said gesturing to the two other maids standing on the stairs. You smiled gently in return. 

"Of course! What is your name dear?" You asked. The formality was nice, but you were going to be here for a while, so it was best to make friends. The maid blushed furiously.

"My name?" She said a little shocked.

"Yes." You said as you stood up. You were quite a bit taller than her, and you looked down at her soft features. Your eyes darted along her body, observing the simple black dress, black sandals, and her dark brown hair that was swept back into a low bun. "My goodness are you pretty." You said as you took her outstretched hand. She blushed again.

"Thank you, My Lady, my name is Aria." You smiled softly. Kars certainly had good taste in women, you wondered if she had ever been romantically involved with him. Suddenly you grew jealous of her. As if the maid could read your expression she spoke. "My lady, I have never even been in Lord Kars's presence. I could not tell you what he looks like. There was a woman in his room last night I was told. You don't need to worry about me, you should worry about that lady. I have only been in contact with Master Wamuu." Your face returned to normal. You sighed.

"I'm sorry for even thinking that I just- " You said as Aria guided you up the stairs, the two other maids following you. They lead you into a room down the hall from Kars's and they escorted you through the door. You observed the room, taking in the space. There was a mirror over the fireplace, a couch sat in front of that. Across the room was a table full of all sorts of beauty products, a wardrobe, and a gorgeous bath sat in the middle of the room. It was marble with stairs leading up to it. The faucet was delicate gold and two fountains on either side poured warm water into the tub. You took a deep breath smelling the faint scent of lily and hibiscus. The maids came to your side, untying the robe you wore, showing off your bare skin and the marks that covered your body.

One of the maids gasped. "Oh-" She said sharply. You laughed breathily. "Did something happen? Did you fall?" She asked. 

"Francesca, you can't just ask people that!" Aria said, running to your side. 

"No, no, I am quite alright. It's an interesting story, well-" You began as you rubbed your arms.  The maid 'Francesca' blushed.

"Oh my goodness, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was that-" She said as she turned away. Aria giggled. 

"Lord Kars was very happy to see me apparently. I wasn't expecting this, but I mean, I don't mind." You said as you slid into the tub, relaxing your muscles into the warm water. The three maids gathered around the tub, tilting your head back and resting it on the edge as they washed it gently.

"Wait, so you're the woman from his room? You must be very special! Tell us about him!" Aria exclaimed shocked. You smiled widely.

"I understand none of you have seen him or have been in contact with him. He is quite a big-" You said and the maids started to giggle. "No, no I didn't mean it like that." You said with a small chuckle. 

"I'm sorry, please continue," Francesca said as she finished laughing. 

"He is tall and is very muscular, even more than Wamuu. He has reddish-violet eyes that stare into your soul. If you do ever see him, he will most likely be wearing a head wrap, but underneath that, he has the longest most luscious dark purple hair. His hands are rough, but they feel quite nice. He rarely wears more than a few accessories and a loincloth." The maids giggled again.

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