{ ¢нαρтєя тωσ }

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A male demon, about 6'5" with large black wings, striped black and cyan horns, a thin black tail tipped with a cyan spike, pointed ears, and dark purple scars was laying on the back of the couch, watching him very closely from the time he was summoned to the time Tenko woke up.

After a few hours Tenko sat up, rubbing his eyes with a yawn. "Hmm, have a nice nap?" he had a rather deep voice, which wasn't uncommon for a demon. "UWAH! WHO-WHO'RE YOU?!" Tenko yelled, panting as he was fucking s h o o k.

The strange "man" snickered, shaking his head. "I'm the demon that you summoned, Touya's the name." he said with a cheeky grin.

"Were you watching me while I slept?!" Tenko tried to get off the couch and scramble away but just fell halfway off.

"Merely waiting for you to wake up is all." He huffed, pulling the smaller male up off the floor. "Did you even read the book?"

"The part about the deal, yeah. Nothing else though."

"Well then make the deal, chop chop."

"Give me a minute! I didn't even think the book would actually summon a fucking demon!"

"Do you believe I actually exist and am standing in front of you? Well more like laying on the back of your couch."

"Wait, I've got it, I've got what I want from the deal in my head."

{ α/n }
sorry i havent updated much, i put it off because im a lazy motherfucka
k bye
256 words

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