{ ¢нαρтєя тняєє }

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"Wait, I've got it, I've got what I want from the deal in my head."
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"Oh? And what would that be?" The demon inquired, cocking his head. "Now this may sound weird but I want you to be my bodyguard. But you can't look like... this." Tenko gestured to the defining demon traits of Touya. The demon shrugged and nodded. "And for my end I have two simple demands. A place to stay," The demon paused for a moment and then continued.

"and your virginity~" he said this solely as a joke, but wanted to bait the blue haired boy. Expectedly, he responded with a loud slap on his face. "SH-SHUT UP YOU PERVERTED FUCK!!" he yelled, his face was bright red. "Calm down!" the demon retorted, putting his hands up defensively, "it was a joke! It was a fucking joke!" Tenko huffed and turned around, heading up to his room, "whatever, explore the house, I'm going back to my room. Don't even think about coming in there and disturbing me or I'll send you back to Hell myself," he yelled, stomping and still flustered as fuck.

Touya shrugged and did as Tenko suggested, looking around the giant mansion. Though it was huge, it showed no sign of anyone other than Tenko being there for quite some time. He found what he assumed to be the guest room (which he was wrong) and flopped down on the bed. He snuggled into the fuzzy blanket. What he didn't notice was all the girly shit around the room, like plushes and toys.

Tenko was in the other room at his computer, playing with his friend, Kurogiri, and his cousin that he thought of as a brother, Himiko (genderbent Toga). The entire time he was just ranting while Kurogiri soothed him and Himiko asked if Tenko liked the demon, to which he replied with an unholy screech.

About an hour or so, Tenko got off his computer and followed the sound of snoring. He kept walking until he came upon his sister's old room. He slowly pushed open the door, making a loud creak. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He screamed, pulling the blanket off of Touya. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" To this sudden noise, Touya spazzed out and sat up, looking around rapidly before his eyes landed on Tenko. "What?! What'd I do?!" he panted. "YOU'RE IN MY SISTER'S ROOM! GET OUT!!" Tenko screamed, pulling Touya by his horns out. "OW OW OW! LET GO!! WHAT'S SO WRONG WITH ME IN HERE ANYWAY? NOBODY'S SLEPT IN HERE IN FOREVER!!"

{ α/n }

short chapter, sorry guys im l a z y af rn

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