chapter five

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He called his "brother", Himiko, telling him about the demon and that he might be falling for him. Himiko just responded with hums and giggles, laughing at his brother. "You're a dork Tenko~" He snickered.

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׺°"˜'"°º× 2 Month Timeskip ׺°"˜'"°º×

Tenko had gotten used to the demon's dumbassery somewhat. It was worse when Tenko was not around to stop and correct him, and that would be a problem. See, Tenko was in high school, he couldn't skip to help the demon, his school career depended on it. School was starting back up after summer vacation in a few days, so he had to solve the dilemma sooner rather than later. "Hey dumbass!" Tenko screeched in the direction of the kitchen. The tall male popped his head out, "What'd I do this time?" he groaned, laying on the back of the couch, sipping his coffee obnoxiously. "A.) Stop drinking your coffee so loud. B.) Don't lay on the couch like that. And C.) your dumbass is coming to school with me next week."

Touya spit the coffee out, spraying Tenko with it. "WHAT?! NO! I'VE GRADUATED SHIKETSU, I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!" He was almost sobbing. And for good reason too. "Calm down drama queen, no need to get your panties in a bunch. Anyway what the hell is Shiketsu?" Tenko wasn't really concerned about how the raven-haired male felt about his decision, he wanted to make sure nothing would get destroyed while he was at school. Call him obsessive, he wouldn't care, he knows. "High school but in Hell. Normal high school but a buncha literal crackheads and felons. It was horrible. The teachers were horrible. The food," he shuddered, "the food was the worst part. We ate demons that had dies in Hell, call me crazy but I am NOT one for cannibalism. No wait, I take that back, the food wasn't the worst. It was Dad. Dad made it worse."

"Every day was agonizing."

"Everything always hurt."

"Mom left."

"Dad got worse."

"Hurt Shouto."

Touya's words became unintelligible, impossible to understand.  His eyes glazed over, full of fear, dread, grief, remorse. He squeezed the mug he was holding until it broke, stabbing from his mid-forearm to his palm and getting scalding coffee all over himself. Tenko could smell his coppery blood and burning flesh. Did he make the coffee as hot as Earth's core or something? The breaking of the ceramic mug seemed to get Touya out of his daze. "S-Sorry..." he said quietly, shaking his hands in a lazy attempt to get the pieces of clay out. "H-Hey! Don't do that it'll make it worse! Here, follow me." Tenko said softly, gesturing towards the bathroom. Touya obeyed, keeping his head down.

Tenko did his best to get all of the mug out of the demon's flesh. The latter's expression didn't change, he still looked empty, but terrified at the same time. "Hey, hey, it's okay Nugget Boy."

A small, barely noticeable smile pulled at his lips at the nickname. "There's the painfully aggravating demon I know and love!" Tenko said happily, not realizing what he had said. Touya's eyes shot up at his own. "Love?"

"Uwah! No I didn't mean that! I don't love you!" Tenko said, his face beet red. Touya's expression went sad again. "Wait no! I didn't mean– ARRRRRGH LANGUAGE IS SO HARD!!" The blue, crusty boy groaned, earning a chuckle from the demon.

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