Idiot || Joe

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"CASPARRRR!" I yell, throwing his pants into his room. He always leaves his clothes lying around. Zoe and Alfie are coming round today. They have just moved in together and I'm happy for them, but I need to make the impression that I'm doing well. I'm trying to clean up a bit but Caspar said he refuses to help.


"Dude, it's not my fault... I'm ill." It goes silent and Caspar walks out of his room with shaving foam all over his face.

"I'm ill" he says solemnly, looking down.

I see right through him and whack him with my top I was picking up. See, I'm not a clean person. But I make effort.

"Ouch" Caspar moans and storms in his room. Idiot. Idiot.

I go upstairs to make lunch. I am going to make the amazing pizza. And no, I'm not ordering it.

Caspar (AGAIN) said he won't help.

That's the thing. I always pay the tax, rent and everything. Caspar says he is ill all the time. It's funny though. I don't move out with him or anything. I laugh. I probably shouldn't but I do.

To make this pizza, it will be really hard. I brought ready made dough, cheese and tomato sauce. I decide to do a video about it. Good main channel video, Cooking with Sugg, huh?

I get my camera out and turn it on.

"Hello fellas! Welcome to another Sugg Sunday Special! Today, my sister Zoe and my friend Alfie, who you should know..." I throw a weird face at the camera. "are coming round and as usual, Caspar isn't helping. So today, I'm making a pizza!"

"I have some ready made dough and I'm ready to begin-"


I am pretty proud with my pizza. It looks like a Pizza Hut. Honestly. Alfie will be proud and especially Zoe, she loves her pizzas.

"Guys!" I wave by to the camera. I go and turn it off, and watch it through. I always do this. I know what I need to cut of and what I need to add. Perfect.
I continue cleaning and go into Caspar's room. He finally cleaned his room and is now on his laptop. I sometimes feel like his mother. Sometimes brother. Sometimes best friend. I'll be all of them.

"I'm not ill anymore" Caspar says, grinning at me.

"You will be tomorrow" I say and I walk out of the room, with a smile wider than a banana.

Don't describe your face as a banana, Joe.

I hear the door bell go and I run to the door. When I open the door, Zoe smiles. "Joe!" She hugs me. Zoe is beautiful, I can't lie. Her hair is in plaits today, something she hasn't had for a while. Her clothes are simple. Jack wills cardigan and skinny jeans. Plus some vans.

Alfie has a V-neck jumper, trousers and converse. His Movember is growing, but it hasn't changed too much yet. "Hey guys!" I grin at them.

Zoe walks past me to go see Caspar. I hug Alfie (I don't care if it's not manly, it's a man hug!) and shut the door behind them. "GUYS!" I hear Caspar screech and a big laugh from Zoe and Alfie.

I run upstairs before Caspar can claim that he made the pizza. I am just in time. He sees me and grins.

"Joe, are you proud of the pizza I made?" He asks in a teasing tone.

"I made it" I say causally, trying so hard not punch his face into his ass. It's hard when a grin can be so cheesy and stupid. Ugh.

"Whoever made it, it's awesome!" Alfie says, getting his vlogging camera out, almostly as soon as he sees it.

"Guys look what Joe or Caspar made for lunch. It's like Pizza Hut!" Alfie comments, looking into his camera as he says it.

"You know my pizza addiction!" Zoe says to Alfie's camera. Alfie grins and switches it off, looking at Zoe.

"You should vlog today. I brought your camera in case you wanted to..." He says, taking it from his other pocket and handing it to her. She sighs.
"It's still really annoying" she says, putting it on the table.

"Think of all those people who love you, and your vlogs. The hate comments only stand out because so many people reply to them and stick up for you" Alfie explains, putting an arm around her.

"I carried in because I saw all the tweets about viewers sticking up for me. So many people love your vlogs, Zoe."

"LIKE MEEE!" Caspar pipes up, skipping around the table to me and putting an arm around me. "And Joe! Right Joe? Yes Joe! Joe!"

"YES!" I yell, pushing his away, laughing.

"I guess I could, today." Zoe picks it up and turns it on. She points it at Caspar and then me and squeaks, "look who I'm with!"

"Hey!" I wave, and Caspar grins (REALLY CHEERILY, I TELL YOU!)

"Don't know about you, but I'm going to start on this pizza..." Alfie says and we all sit down for a bite of Sugg Heaven.

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