Fun || Caspar

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It was really good that Zoe and Alfie came. We eat Joe's (I mean my) pizza. Then we catch up. Zoe tells us how her book is coming out. Alfie tells us about his book signing. Joe tells him nothing as he has nothing better to do in his life. Then I realise it's the same for me.


We eat a lot of pizza and start to get a little stupid. Like, drunk in pizza.


Sorry, had to.

I don't remember that else, until the next morning. I wake up to see Alfie sleeping on the floor with Zoe in his arms. Awwwwwww ZALFIE. Then I notice something. Why do I feel a back?

I turn around to see Joe next to me in bed. JOE. FREAKING HELL, NOOOOOOO.

"No Joeee! Aaaaah!" I scream, falling out of the bed into Alfie and Zoe. Zoe gasps and Alfie moans.

Alfie sits up, his hair looking so funny and says "Caspar?"

"YA!" I say, snuggling into Zoe.

Zoe laughs and pats my head awkwardly. "What's up?" Alfie goes back to sleep, Zoe now cuddling both of us. The perfect mum for me. And boyfriend for Alfie. HAHA. Girlfriend.

"Joe's in my freaking bed. I slept with Joe" I moan.

Alfie bursts into laughter and so does Zoe. "Shut up!" I yell. Zoe tries to stop but Alfie howls. Zoe looks at him and cracks up as well.

"Bye" I say and I start walking but Alfie trips me up as I fall down on him. "UGHFHTNEISNENQIAJALWLAPAOSJDENJFEJAJWJWJ" I yell. Alfie grins. He hugs me. "Shhhh."

Zoe snuggles into Alfie. Then Alfie abandons me and hugs Zoe. Ugh, couples love can be yuck.

I FRICKING slept with Joe. JOE. JOE









I go to the bathroom to vomit.


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