No Way || Joe

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After Caspar tells me that we slept in the same bed all night, I am in shock. The fact that I slept all night to find out Caspar was sharing my duvet. I wanted to vomit. Puck. Cry. I was going to cry, it was so disgusting. It's like sleeping with a pig. That's covered in mud.

Why do I live with a pig?

Muddy pig.


I go have a shower as well. He's a smelly chap and I need to make sure I don't get any germs by him.

Zoe and Alfie are leaving today but we had so much fun. Now we are all hungover and completely disgusted.

"Can't believe the amount of wine I had last night.." Zoe moans, taking a bite of her cheese toasty.

"I fricking slept next to Joe, try being in my shoes!" Caspar exclaims, banging his head on the table, then muttering ouch. He is the most dumbest person I have ever met.

"Don't lie, you loved it" I grin at him, softly slapping him over the head.

"Don't worry about it guys, I mean. There were times when me and Caspar were living together. Caspar and I woke and saw we were in the same double bed. Most horrible experience of my life" Alfie says, biting into his sandwich.

"When dude?" Caspar says, lifting his head up in shock.

"We came home from that club. I said lets go to bed but you wanted more wine and he won't let me sleep because you couldn't open the bottle. I opened it but then had one glass. Two, three. Then I wake up in the same bed as Caspar Lee. But we were wearing clothes and sleeping really far away so it's fine. Still funny to remember."

"Oh yeahhhh, I remember! We partied at home!" Caspar laughs and he and Alfie burst into fits of laughter. Zoe giggles with them but for some reason I can't. I feel horrible. Wanting to puck.


I feel disgusted.

Oh wow. That's unbelievable! I feel.. Jealous.

How has this happened? I should feel sorry for Alfie. I certainly felt sorry for me. But that fact that they slept in the same bed made me wish I had stayed in longer with Caspar.

Even if I was wearing shorts.

This is horrible.

It must be because I am getting hot.

Zoe is looking at me oddly. "Joe, are... are you... okay? Your going.... green." I shudder, my body shaking.

"I.. I.. need to go to the bathroom" I shudder and I run to the bathroom and throw up.

Well that did it.



My friend will be so happy with his chapter right noww!

Also, I got the nicest comment from someone saying: forget the hate, your stories are the best, or great! Thank you who ever said that, it honestly made my day!

I have jabs tomorrow!!

Ughhhh so scared.


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