The Q and the Grey

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My recovery over the past few months have been less than smooth, but I was finally ready to go back to work, and what a day it was. A star was about to go Supernova and we were going to witness it. I stepped onto the bridge and saw everyone there. The Captain tuned and smiled at me.

"Welcome back Counsellor."

"It's good to be back." I said as I walked round and stood beside her.

"Captain, the star is about to go Supernova." Harry said.

"On screen."

We all watched in awe as the star went supernova. It really was an outstanding sight. We all started applauding and talking between ourselves at how fantastic it was.

"All I can say is, wow! What about you, Mister Vulcan? Isn't that just, wow!" Neelix said, turning to Tuvok.

"Your inarticulate expression of awe notwithstanding, Mr. Neelix, it was a fascinating spectacle." Tuvok stated.

There was suddenly a shudder that went through the whole ship. I turned to Harry and he looked at his console.

"That's the edge of the shock wave. The pressure's over ninety kilopascals, thirty percent more than we predicted." He said.

"Tom, back us off at full impulse. I want to stay ahead of the brunt of that wave." The Captain said.

"Yes ma'am." He replied.

"Congratulations, everyone. Only two other crews in the history of Starfleet have witnessed a supernova explosion." The Captain said.

"But neither one was this close. Less than ten billion kilometres. Definitely a record." Harry added.

"Who brought the champagne?" I asked jokingly.

"Champagne? Marie, if I knew you wanted champagne..."

"Relax Neelix. It was just a figure of speech."

"Thanks for inviting us to watch with you, Captain. It's really got me interested in learning more about stellar phenomenon." Kes said.

"Just remember, Kes, anyone can stargaze on the Bridge, even a hologram with a mobile emitter, but the real action will always be in sickbay." The doc said before they walked out.

"How'd those shield modifications hold up, B'Elanna?" the Captain asked.

"Less than a 7% power drain." She replied.

"Good job. Chakotay, what do you say we get started analysing those carbon conversion readings?" the Captain asked, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Captain, you've been on the Bridge for fourteen straight hours. Don't you think you deserve a little rest? Harry and I will get to work on the astrometric analysis, and we'll give you a full report in the morning. Marie, you should go too- you need your rest." Chakotay said.

I sighed and asked "Alright. Captain, fancy joining me for some food?"

She smiled and said "You win. I'll see you at 0700."

We walked out of the bridge and into the turbolift together.

"Your quarters or mine?" she asked.

"I think yours- mine are a mess right now."

She chuckled lightly before programming the turbolift. As soon as the doors opened, we made our way to her quarters. Once the doors opened, I immediately knew something wasn't right. Right in the middle of the room was a bed covered in red satin sheets and heart shaped pillows. Definitely not Starfleet standard issue.

Star Trek: Voyager Season 3Where stories live. Discover now