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Today, I was assisting the doctor with a case. A colony recently contacted us and told us about a viral outbreak they had been experiencing.

"Fever, disorientation. I think it's some kind of virus. Nothing serious, but if we don't stop it now, we'll be forced to shut down the operation." A miner explained over the monitor.

"We may be able to help you. Doctor?" Chakotay said, turning to the doc.

"A synthetic antigen may do the trick. However, it will have to be modified for this specific virus. I'd like to beam down to the mining colony and examine a few of the infected." He said.

"An away mission. Are you sure doc?" I asked.

"I'm the only member of this crew who can successfully enter a contaminated environment without risk. Besides, I've been looking forward to spreading my wings." He explained.

Chakotay and I looked at one another and I nodded.

"Good enough. It'll take us about three hours to reach you." Chakotay said, turning back to the viewscreen.

"Thank you, Commander. I don't think we'll be going anywhere."

The transmission cut off and the doc turned to Harry.

"Prepare to download my programme into the autonomous emitter." He said.

"Yes doctor."


Several hours later, we arrived at the planet where the mining colony was situated and hailed them.

"They're not responding to our hails." Tuvok told us.

"Life signs?" I asked.

"There's a lot of bioelectrical interference. I can't get a clear reading." Harry replied.

"Perhaps their condition is more serious than they thought. I'd better get down there." The doc said, turning to leave.

"Hold on doc." I said.

He stopped and turned round.

"Don't forget, you're not invulnerable. If anything happens to that portable emitter, your programme could be lost."

"Don't worry; I've been studying the Starfleet guidelines for away team members. For this particular scenario, medical emergency on alien terrain, it is recommended that we keep an open comm. channel at all times."

"You heard the man." Chakotay said.

"Channel open." Tuvok replied.

The doc then left the bridge and soon after, he was checking in with us.

"Away team to Voyager. Transport was successful and my portable emitter is working perfectly. I am scanning the mine shaft and proceeding on vector one four seven. Ambient temperature is sixteen degrees Celsius. Cavern illumination is minimal but doesn't pose a problem for my optical sensors. The cave walls are comprised of granite with a mixture of pyroclastic infusions..."

"Doctor, I appreciate your attention to detail but we don't need that much information. Let us know when you've found the miners."

"Oh, very well. Stand by then."

We all waited for the doc to update us again.

"Voyager, I've found one of the miners. He appears to be suffering from the advanced stages of severe viral infection."

"Can you treat him?" I asked.

"Not without a more specialised immunising agent. This is curious. The virus has begun to concentrate in a region near his neck, and it's using his glandular tissue to create some sort of orifice. Something is emerging. A lifeform! Commander, I think I've just discovered a completely new form of life. From what I can tell, it appears to be a macroscopic version of the virus."

Star Trek: Voyager Season 3Where stories live. Discover now