Scorpion Part 1

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I was finishing up my notes from the week's counselling sessions when the doorbell to my office went off.

"Come in."

I looked up and saw Chakotay walk in, a worried look on his face. I immediately stood up and walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and held me in his embrace. I wrapped my arms round him and made sure he knew I was there for him. After a while, I pulled away and led him to the comfy seats I had set up. We sat down and I took his hand in mine.

"What's going on Chakotay? You can tell me." I said.

He looked into my eyes and said "The long range probe we sent out has stopped transmitting. After clearing up the first few seconds of telemetry, we discovered it had been taken by a Borg cube."

I sighed and said "Borg space."

"That's what we think. And I can't help but think about what happened to me, and how scared I am of the Borg getting to you."

My heart twisted at the memory. I remember it so vividly- Chakotay had been connected to a joint mind to heal injuries sustained when his shuttle was attacked. He saw all the memories of the ex-Borg and he'd been having horrendous nightmares ever since. What was worse was "the co-operative" forced him to do what they wanted him to do via the telepathic link. I was so scared for him and backed him up when he questioned their motives.

"Chakotay, I know what happened to you still affects you, and I will support you every day and help you in any way I can."

"I know you will, but what happens if the Borg get to you? I don't think I could live with myself if you were assimilated."

I cupped his cheek in my hand and he brought a hand to my waist.

"Whatever happens, we'll get through it."

Chakotay leaned in and we were about to kiss when our combadges came to life.

"Janeway to Chakotay and Miss Picard. Please report to the briefing room."


"We don't know exactly how many vessels are out there. but their space appears to be vast. It includes thousands of solar systems, all Borg. We are no doubt entering the heart of their territory. There's no going around it, but there may be a way through it." the Captain said.

"Before the probe was disabled, it picked up a narrow corridor of space devoid of Borg activity. We've nicknamed it the Northwest Passage." Chakotay added.

"Unfortunately, the passage is filled with intense gravimetric distortions. probably caused by a string of quantum singularities." B'Elanna told us.

"Better to ride the rapids than face the hive." I said.

"Exactly. We're going to set a course for that corridor. and go into full Tactical Alert. Where do we stand with weapons?" Chakotay asked Tuvok.

"I have reprogrammed the phaser banks to a rotating modulation, but I suspect a Borg vessel will adapt quickly." Tuvok stated.

"We can use every edge. Ensign?"

" I've already configured the long range sensors to scan for transwarp signatures. An early warning system." Harry said.

"Good work. Doctor, how are you coming on the medical front?"

"I've analysed every square millimetre of the Borg corpse we recovered three months ago. I'm closer to understanding how their assimilation technology works, and I might be able to create some sort of medical defence." the doc said.

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