Season 1 Short 1: Intro

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"Hi! I'm Valeria Santos. Tierra Robada is very fun, a peaceful place and an 'everyone knows everyone' town, on the coast of California. With all the happiness, mischievous pranks are all over the place. My Granny watches us since my parents went to the UK, the country I hate. It seems she had a crush on us because of that.Granny, I love you too!My brother, Tito Santos is a synonym to a dumb person(not dumb as in low intelligence, he rarely talks), just that he talks. Hearing his voice is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but he is lovely. Next door is Luciya Lajohar my best friend a.k.a the only 'Lucia' with a 'y' are twins from different wombs but the only distance between us is she is dull at times. The only person who sees 'E' as 'H' despite her huge lenses. Her brother Zac is also funny but very delighting to watch him play. Four houses away goes Lisa Clownder, the 'chemical' four-eyed girl and the inventor of pranks. She is so annoying when  pranking me but very amazing when she pranks someone else. She accidentally dyed her hair permanently into jet black when she was balancing some chemicals. Tyson, I won't even talk about him. I feel like smiling when I hear his name because he once saved me from falling on stairs. Deidre, my second best friend is just like me but the only problem is she loves Hawaii. Due to that, she she can't stay without doing anything Hawaiian. She stole my sketchpad just to draw Hawaiian stuff. She hasn't paid up to now but forgiveness is a piece of cake to me. Her name means 'melancholy', but she is too lively to be called Deidre. Behind the hill that separates Tierra Robada from California is where the School bullies live. If someone did not bring a freezer to me, my heart would have melted into my stomach when they destroyed my iPad in front of me. They were suspended for a semester but still haven't changed. But, if a tourist is looking for a place to tour, Look nowhere but Tierra Robada. Bye!"

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