Season 1 Episode 2: Happy Santoween

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Today is October 31, which is literally Halloween, Valeria's favourite holiday after Palm Sunday and Thanksgiving. It was 7am and she was still asleep. The alarm even snoozed for about three times and she still didn't wake up, so the best thing Tito could do to wake her up is to sneak into Valeria's room and pour a pail of water on her face. He quietly opened the door of Valeria and patted her, but because she wasn't waking up, the force of gravity pulled the water unto her face. She suddenly screamed. " Aaaa!(She saw Tito) How many times should I tell you not to wake me up with water?" Valeria said. Tito picked a crayon and a piece of paper and wrote, "Today's Halloween" on it. He showed it to Valeria and her sleep just vanished. "October 31? Halloween? Yes! Halloween! All the people of Littlesville will be meeting at the theatre tonight for Halloween!" Immediately, Valeria got out of her bed and went straight to the bathroom. Tito saw this as funny and walked out. After Valeria took her shower, she evaporated into her closet as well as out of the house. Due to hurry, she wore her shoes all the way to Littlesville theatre. From people sending toy spiders to people sending pumpkins to a particular place, the theatre would have complained of too much pressure if it were a human being. "Good morning, can I help,please?" She asked a teenager. The teenager led her to a van which contained pumpkins. "All you will have to do is to send the pumpkins to the kitchen of the theatre." He said. Pumpkin soup was prepared after sending the pumpkins to the kitchen.(The main reason for the pumpkins were to make pumpkin lamps, not soup)Everyone who helped at the theatre had a ladleful of the soup. Valeria was fifth in line, so she got to taste the 'hydrochloric acid' earlier. The soup nearly corroded her tongue and even her mouth cavity (It was moderately hot but it was so sour with no spices),but she couldn't understand why everyone kept on smiling, consuming the soup."One man's meat is another man's poison." She thought, and went home, leaving the 'acid' behind.

She tiptoed all the way to her room and opened the festival chest, which contained all of the dresses for holidays. She removed her goth outfit and brushed her wig. She said, "This Halloween will be fun!" She gave them an iron, hung them and intentionally passed by Tito's room to see what he was doing. He was actually in a dilemma of what dress he could choose. Seeing the sweat on Tito's face, she walked in to choose a dress for him. "You'll look better in the mummy outfit". Valeria said, then she walked out. Breakfast was pumpkin pies with pumpkin milk. The bewitching scent of the pies gave Valeria a free flight into the kitchen. If Granny does not tell you she's cooking, you'll never know but this time, diffusion did its work perfectly. Valeria trampled on the stairs to the kitchen and the first thing she asked was, "Granny, can I help?" "Unfortunately, I'm done with the pies, but you can help me send the  food to the table." After they enjoyed breakfast, everyone except the Jehovah Witnesses found theirselves in vampire clothes, Frankenstein clothes and others witches,wizards and mummies and ghosts. They started arriving and the DJs began to play music. Valeria was so nervous because she and Tyson were going to dance Halloween salsa. A small mistake destroys the performance, like in jenga. Tito,Valeria and Deidre were chatting, then Luciya 'the witch' appeared. "Where's Zac, again?" Valeria asked. Luciya replied, "You know what answer I'll give you. He still is scared."E keiki mau lākou nā keiki(Children with always be children in Hawaiian)." Deidre said. "No one understands Hawaiian here."Valeria said. The announcements followed immediately  Valeria said that. "All competitions will take place shortly so all competitors should go backstage to register. Now." "OMG! Where's Ty? I must look for him before it's too late!"Valeria said. At last, she found Tyson and their registration went on. "Aha! Come join us." Mr. Daniels said backstage when he saw Tyson and Valeria. On the stage, the Mc gave a lot of annoying announcements which made some people go to sleep. "First on stage, Tyson and Valeria, performing Halloween salsa!" The applause, as usual, followed. Lisa with her Stein outfit popped up, and started her rubbish talk, "Now I know, Valeria crushed on Tyson, no wonder they're dancing together." After they performed, they unknowingly passed by Lisa and she began, "Couple of the century, I loved your dance just like the way you love each other!" Valeria showed sanguine anger, but just raked over the ashes and left. Lisa saw Tito using his phone while walking and 'chocked' him. Instead of Tito falling down, he stumbled and his phone rather crashed. He saw Lisa as an ecstasy, tried to reassemble the phone and left. There were other performances like magic tricks, solos, acrobatics and even  armpit farting. Valeria and Tyson were announced as winners for the contest. "The Halloweeners for this year are Tyson and Valeria!" After that, all the people were grouped into five and an eating contest took place. There was a big pan of pumpkin soba noodles and it was compulsory. "Three, two, one, Go!" Valeria, Luciya, Tito and Deidre were in a group and they finished first to they received  a lot of souvenirs, making Lisa jealous. The serve yourself, Valeria's favourite part of the party came on, then the DJ played songs till they closed. The quartet were walking on the El Corona street home. "I thought you could sing, why dance?" Luciya asked Valeria. "I'm even puzzled." Deidre replied. "Bye guys, see you tomorrow!" Deidre branched to the next street. The others said bye to her, except Tito. "The Halloween was great this year, I wish you a happy 'Santoween'!" Luciya said. Valeria replied, "You too, but a happy 'Lajoween'!" "Copycat!"Luciya exclaimed, hitting Valeria in a friendly way. When they reached Luciya's house, they all wished themselves a happy Halloween, though it was left with a few hours for the Halloween to end: three hours,fifty-nine minutes to go.

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