Season 1 Episode 3: The power of tennis.

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"(Def Jam FFNY fans will understand this)I'll choose Shaniqua because I love to see her charisma level, so low, red-orange. But she's tough though, her blazin' lap dance is so amazing. Selected!" Valeria said, selecting a character for the one on one mode in Def jam FFNY." Tito chose Crow (Snoop Dogg) as usual and this infuriated Valeria. "Choosing Crow again? I'm out!" She said angrily, dropping the gamepad in the couch." She angrily turned the Xbox console off, disconnected the  gamepads and locked them up in the cellar. "I still have other friends like Luciya." Valeria said, reffering to Tito. Tito just smiled at Valeria, nodding his head. Valeria went to her room and picked her favourite book, pirates of the Atlantic. While reading, she received a phone call from Luciya.
VALERIA: Hallo? What is it this time?
LUCIYA: I need an opponent for tennis training and would you volunteer?
VALERIA: Oh yeah, I feel bored, I can bring my tennis racket and balls too.
LUCIYA: Oh, it's okay, I have some.
VALERIA: Looking forward to see you in minutes, bye!
               (The call ends)
"I'm going to prove Luciya wrong, a vow, 300-1! I'm such a tennis guru and she can never match me! Where's my tennis costume?" Valeria got up and went to wear her costume, ready for heading a bomb. As she was getting down the stairs, she met Granny. "Where are you heading to with the tennis costume?" Granny asked. "Uh,Granny, Luciya wants an opponent to help her practice tennis. Please let me go!" Granny Helena gave her the the ticket to go. Valeria thanked her and rushed to Luciya's house. "Oh, here you are, please help me with the table, the racket and the balls (it was actually table tennis). Zac was their ballboy and was the one to decide whether to start. "Great, let's start now!" Luciya said, when she saw Zac coming. The opponents were set, then 3,2,1, Go! Agility took over the girls , but didn't really last. Luciya 2, Valeria 12 was the score for the first round. "Round two starts in a few." Zac alerted them. Tito, Hearing the commotion from outside came out since he got bored, sitting in the couch. He also went for his table tennis outfit and came out. Luciya didn't see him, but Valeria saw him and pretended not to see him. Since no one minded him, he was forced to talk, which he never wanted to. "May I help?" He asked. "Yes you may.... (Luciya said, turning her head to Tito's direction, and shouted) What! You can talk?! But you have a nice voice, why don't you want to talk? Anyway, you're invited. The one who loses the next round will be replaced by you." The next round was quite ridiculous because balls were just flying over, yet the scores were 14-16, Luciya being the 14. Luciya dropped, getting replaced by Tito. "Valeria won, Tito comes in." Zac announced. Valeria was still angry at Tito so when Zac announced 'start', they imitated their favourite Def Jam FFNY fighters. Valeria began, "Screw the foreplay, let's just do it." That's Shaniqua's words."You only know there's only one code out here that matters, ride, or get rolled on." Tito replied, sarcastically to Valeria, imitating Snoop Dogg's words in def jam FFNY. They really barely scored, but it was still going on. Energy could be seen right in Tito's face, but for Valeria, sweat was rather saw in her face. "Ouch! My hands are getting numb, please slow down!" Out of pain she unconsciously threw the racket away,  making Tito the automatic winner. He raised his hands up and said, "Round 2." Valeria blazed and played in a similar way as Shaniqua's lap dance move (only for Def Jam FFNY fans, doesn't mean what you think if you are not a Def Jam FFNY fan). She then won Tito by a lone point. "Aha! Luciya's  next." Valeria said to Tito to humiliate him. They drew in the first round, so the second round was on it's way and when it came, Valeria blazed again, to win Luciya. She continued with her 'lap dance' and became aggressive throughout the match. Valeria hit the ball with the racket, making the ball pressured, ending up shaving Luciya's hair into an inverted mohawk. "My hair!" Luciya  screamed. Deidre witnessed the scene and her jaw dropped. She started to speak slowly and stammered, "Wow...'re player." "Did I really do that? I'm so sorry." Valeria said as if she didn't know what she did. "Don't worry, I'll style my hair to the side, every mistake is a new style. I forgive you." Luciya consoled Valeria. "Valeria and Luciya are great at apologising and forgiving respectively!" Deidre said from her distance and left. The remaining three started to laugh, then Luciya told Valeria, "You're so good in tennis. If there was a movie called Shaolin Tennis, you'll be the tennis player, but soften your gameplay to prevent 'hair shaves', tennis lioness." "I never knew I was that good, I'll go for the next tennis contest for the school, by the way, thanks for letting me realise." Valeria said. "Let's end the match here and get to our homes, we'll play it online. You'll lose!" Valeria said. Luciya laughed and waved them.

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