Getting Used to Them

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  Pisces P.O.V
       It's been a month since I first moved in with the 11 other zodiacs... Everyday here is a bit hectic. I mean, if you took how dramatic Keeping Up With the Kardashians is (please don't come at me) and compared them to us, there's no difference! I don't say anything about how crazy they are because I'm the small nice one of the group, and I really want to keep it that way.

   Speaking of how nice I am, the others are a bit different. Maybe not a bit, but I don't want to be mean. For starters, Aries acts a teensy bit like if he's the one in charge of everyone... but he does seem to have a soft side. Taurus on the other hand is quite nice if you don't get in the way of her snacks or food! Gemini's a social butterfly, which is good if you need someone to talk to!! Now on to Cancer, well I do know one thing. She cares about everyone and everything, to the point that it makes her adorable! Moving onto another fire sign, Leo always says he's fabulous, although I think he's quite ridiculous, hehe!

      Virgo is different than the other crazy zodiac members.. She's the mom of the group and she's always humble, unless if you frustrate her, that is. Libra is quite the same; in the humble sense. He doesn't try to calm the rest of them down because he thinks it's pointless. Most of the members are extroverted and loud, but Scorpio's a bit different. She doesn't like to express how she feels, but if you get her mad, she sure will express it! Ive also learned from one month of living here that you shouldn't mess with her candy, especially chocolate. Now we're down to the last crazy fire sign: Sagittarius. One of the craziest of them all, he loves to go wild!! Seems like he will never run out of energy, but he eventually does every single day. Lastly, Aquarius.. He's mysterious, just like Scorpio can be but he does talk and express himself more. He's quite smart and athletic too. That seems like all I've learned about them in the time spam of 30 days..

     Anyways, I hope that... that I can see everyone happy everyday, especially Aries. That smile of his... Wait! Did I really just say that in my head? Oh no, I'm not supposed to have a crush! I'm supposed to be the one shipping people together and watching their ships sail, not watching me and my crush sail!!! Anyways, I'm looking forward to helping Cancer with her video tomorrow! :)

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