April Fools Day/ Part 2

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Virgo's P.O.V.
   April Fool's at the mansion was always too crazy, but this year, it went too far. I did get a good laugh out of Taurus' new look, but what she just did... "You better know you're paying to fix that wall!" I scolded Taurus.

  "Yeah, yeah...," she replied with a careless look on her face, sorta like she spaced out?.. Anyways, I left it at that and left to go to my own room.
Taurus' P.O.V.
    "Pisces doesn't even get in trouble for dying my hair, but I have to pay for the wall I punched?! Thus is really unfair, I might as well just get revenge with a prank of my own!! I could get Scorpio to pitch along, she loves revenge," my mind began to think.

  I got my sketchbook and a pencil.... This prank HAD to be good! I was thinking, maybe dying her hair as well... No, that wouldn't be original. I should just ask Scorpio to start helping me.

   I grabbed my supplies and took myself out of my bedroom door, and to Scorpio's door. I knocked on it twice. "Come in," I heard her voice say, and I also heard rustling bags...
Scorpio's P.O.V.
   As I was just taking out the bags of pranking supplies I bought, someone came knocking at my door. I frantically put away the bags and said," Come in." It was Taurus, and she was holding a sketchbook and a pencil. That wasn't the only things she had. She also had a mischievous smile, one that I've never seen.

    She walked right in and sat on my bed. Then she said something I wouldn't imagine she would say. "I want to get revenge on Pisces and I want your help." I mean I do like getting revenge and she is my friend... so I said "Alright, I'm in."

   We spent the next 30 minutes coming up with ways to get payback. Then, I got the most amazing idea!!! "You know how I watch people a lot, right?"  Taurus replied with,"Yeah..". 
"Well I've seen that Pisces pays attention to Aries a lot. If we could come up with a plan to make them meet somewhere in the mansion, then we could push them into each other!".

  Taurus agreed and we began to plan it all out.....
Leo's P.O.V.
   In all the free time I had, I was thinking about who would prank me... I know everyone in the Mansion is annoyed of me, but there has to be someone that really wanted to prank me..... ARIES!!!

   How didn't  I  knowwwww? I stole like at least 3 hoodies from Aries, and he must've found out... I have to get him back for the soap prank! I just didn't know what to do...

  Probably something harmless so that we don't have another incident, like Taurus' freakout. I began brainstorming a prank. I decided on doing that prank where you fill a room with cups full of water, boy was this gonna be fun.

~Author's Note~
I know I haven't published in a while, but I'm still here!! And by the looks of it, there's going to be an angry Aries... I'll try to update more and more if I have the time and thank you for anyone who has still stuck with this book <3   


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