House Tour Vlog

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Third Person P.O.V.
        Taurus woke up rather hungry, as usual, so she made her way down the stairs. She was headed to the kitchen when she noticed that there was something outside. She opened the door wide and peeked her head outside. Standing on the doormat was Cancer, and in front of Cancer was Pisces... holding a camera? "Oh! Looks like we'll have to take another shot, Cancy," Pisces told Cancer.  "W-why? Did I sound too excited??" Cancer questioned. Pisces shook her head and motioned for Cancer to look behind herself. "Oh, morning Taurus! What are you doing up so early?" asked Cancer.  " I was just hungry. What about you guys? " she responded back.  "Making a house tour vlog for my YouTube channel," Cancer answered, " It's called Fancy Cancy Vlogs. " (Don't search it up, it's not real •-•)

       "We wanted to make the video when nobody was awake so that nobody would be annoying," Pisces explained. Taurus nodded and said, " I'll leave you guys to it so I can go eat." Cancer and Pisces smiled at her and said in unison, " Thanks, Taur-Taur! ".  Taurus didn't really like the nickname but they were nice  girls. When Taurus got to the kitchen, she was on a hunt for food. When the girl didn't find anything that looked remotely good to eat, she decided she might cook for once.

       She quickly whipped out her phone and looked up simple recipes, since she didn't really cook. Taurus thought that eggs and bacon was the right way to go, so she started taking out all her ingredients. When she finally had the packs of bacon, carton of eggs, and the pan ready she looked at her phone for guidance on how to cook eggs. While she was doing the eggs, she heard Cancer and Pisces recording from the living room.

      Seconds later, they were in the kitchen showing the camera where tastebud heaven was. "Oh look, there's Taurus making some breakfast!" Cancer pointed at Taurus while looking at the camera. "DID SOMEONE SAY BREAKFAST??!?" a voice came all the way from the top of the stairs. They heard someone's footsteps frantically go down the stairs. When they were on the last step, they tripped from their excitement.

     The crazy person that decided to run down the stairs was actually Leo. He slid into the kitchen and when he saw the camera, he said," Oh hi there camera, enjoying the view?". He then laughed at his own comment. What a video bomber! "And this is exactly why we wanted to record so early...," Cancer muttered.  "What's that you said, cutie Cancer? Ooh that's actually a good nickname," Leo said as he had heard her mutter something. "N-nothing," she replied as she tried to hide her blush with her short brunette bob haircut. Thing is, the camera only stopped rolling after Pisces got a cute scene of Leo and Cancer being cute. She was so going to get a usb cable just to transfer that video to her gallery!

     Since Leo was quite loud when he stormed into the kitchen, everyone woke up. Everyone except Scorpio, Gemini, and Libra. "Will someone go wake up the other three that are still asleep?" Virgo asked as everyone else was digging into their food. Not one other person (except Virgo) had noticed that three of the others were missing from the table.

    Pisces sure was right that Virgo was the mother of the group... "HEY! You're not supposed to give opinions during the story!!" Nicole the author yells at narrator. Sorry ma'am, back to the story.. 

Capricorn, Aries, and Sagittarius volunteered to go wake them up....
Capricorn's P.O.V
    Scorpio's room is on the second floor, along with the the other girl rooms and the theatre+hammock floor room. I head down the hallway to the six doors. I knew for a fact that Scorpio's room was the second room on the side closest to the theatre+hammock floor room. I open the door to her room and see that she's still sleeping, what a sleepyhead! As I walk over to her bed, I look at the ceiling and see the galaxy design with the Scorpius constellation. What was I expecting? Everyone's ceilings has a galaxy with their constellation on it! Anyways, I remember what I was here for: to wake up Scorpio. "Oh Scorpioooo~" I coo as I shake her. Still not awake. "SCORPIOOOOOO~" I coo even louder. Still no sign indicating she would wake up. "SCORPIO! THERE'S CANDY DOWNSTAIRS!!" I say, hoping that I wouldn't have to try anymore. Just as I thought, it worked. Man was she crazy for candy! "Really?!" She said, now wide awake.  "No, it was to wake you up..." I say biting my lip. I didn't want to make her angry, she was my friend after all. She nodded, pouted, and said she would be down in 20 minutes. With that, I left her room to go enjoy the rest of my food.
Scorpio's P.O.V(I'm a Scorpio btw)
     I was grumpy after Capricorn had lied to me about the candy, but I decided to get ready anyway. After I got out of my bathroom, I started to put together the best outfit. The best comfy outfit. I took one of my many hoodies out of my closet. This hoodie was lavender, the only lavender one. Dang, why do I love hoodies? Instead of questioning myself further, I grabbed a pair of light blue denim jeans, and then changed into my clothes. After I looked in the mirror and saw that I looked quite good, I started doing double braids. When I finished them, they reached a little past my shoulders. Now I was really ready to go downstairs!
Aries' P.O.V.
    Me and Sag basically raced to the third floor; the boy floor. It doesn't just only have the boy rooms! It has a soundproof room that can be used to practice playing instruments, let out your emotions, or throw mini parties!! I know Capricorn goes there to practice playing the cymbals or her trumpet, but I've never heard her play outside of that room, and I'm wishing I won't. Back to me and Sag's semi race... He was in the lead and at this point I didn't care. I mean when do I even care about things?? After we finally make it up the two stairs we head over to different rooms. I walk into Gemini's room which is right next to mine. I take one look at him and laughed. He was drooling in his sleep, wonder what that's about! Good thing I only had to shake him a few times before he woke up! He asked me why I woke him up. "Virgo noticed you weren't at the table during breakfast, so she wanted someone to wake you up," I informed him. He nodded while I was on my way out the door.  "You were drooling in your sleep, hope it was a good dream! " I smirked as I ran downstairs before he could open the door.
Gemini's P.O.V
     Wait? I was drooling in my sleep? Oh well. He got one thing right, tho! It was a good dream and it was about...

Unicorns that can fly every time they fart glitter and confetti!!! (Gotcha there, didn't I? *raises eyebrow*)

    Anyways, I shouldn't get Virgo mad... She isn't at her best when angry. I took my shower and picked out some random clothes; a navy blue t-shirt and black jeans. I make my legs suffer through walking down so many steps, but it was worth it for some eggs and bacon!
Sagittarius' P.O.V.
   "Haha, Aries sucks at running!" I thought as me and him were dashing up the stairs. When I made it to the third floor, I opened Libra's door and slid in doing jazz hands. "You don't have to make such a big entrance ya know," Libra said calmly. My eyes widen a little. "I didn't know you saw that, I thought you were sleeping!" I sort of exclaimed. He chuckled and said he wasn't. " Then why didn't you go downstairs? " I asked him. "I didn't feel like getting out of my bed that is so comfy, soft, amaz-" he was saying until I interrupted. "You love your bed, I know.. Just get ready, or Virgo will get mad, and you don't want to get her mad now do you?" I told him in a tough voice. He laughed and said, " No I don't . " And with that, I got out of his room and made my journey downstairs again.
Libra's P.O.V.
    I started to get out of bed, groaning a bit to myself. I took my shower and started looking through my closet. I was in the mood for a plain white shirt and khaki shorts. And with my casual and plain outfit I made my way downstairs. On my way I smelled bacon and something else.. But I didn't find out only until I say down to eat. It was bacon and eggs, yum! A simple breakfast to match my simplistic look.
Third Person P.O.V.
     "So now that everyone's here, we should tell you all what we're doing for the day!" Cancer said with pure excitement in her voice. "Can you please do the honors, Pi?" Cancer asked Pisces while looking at her. The girl nodded her head, making Cancer smile. "Me and Cancer were trying to make a house tour video earlier for Cancer's YouTube channel, but we didn't want you guys to try to be in it to annoy us. We still want to make the video so we thought we could let everyone in the video, as long as they help out or participate!" Pisces announced while looking around at everyone. Some of them had excited looks on their faces, some had smiles, and others looked like they were thinking whether or not it was a good idea. In the end they all agreed was an excellent idea and they started setting up. The video started with Cancer stating that the video was going to be a house tour (more like a mansion tour). Then Pisces (who was directing most of it) and Cancer went from room to room saying what rooms they were. When they got to the bedrooms, everyone was in their own bedroom and they would do a brief introduction.
The weirdest introduction was Leo's.  "I'm the fabulous lion and this is my fabulous home!" He said while striking a pose. You could even hear Pisces laughing behind the camera as she recorded it! The day ended with them uploading it and re-watching it on the tv that was in their living room. All of them were cracking up, no matter how many times they watched it!
    Author's Note
I'm going to post drawings of the house interior/blueprints for you guys in the next chapter so that you can understand this chapter better. Also I have a shoutout!

  Shout out to _JingleBela_ for being the first commenter and voter!!! (Thanks Bela, don't think I didn't notice you!)

𝐾𝑒𝑒𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑈𝑝 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑍𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑐𝑠Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang