April Fools Day

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Third Person P.O.V.
After Pisces moved into the mansion (in February) she got used to them after one month (by March). Then April Fools Day was here. One thing was for sure; everybody had to watch their back. The morning started with everyone eating breakfast, as usual. Capricorn almost always cooked breakfast, since she was a good chef. She was also considered the second mom of the group.

"To start everybody's day right before the pranks, I made brownies!!" The goat announced. Then she brought back a platter covered with tin foil. Everyone fought over who should reveal what was under the foil.

"Hey, Sag!! You should open it since you're one of the biggest pranksters in the house, so it shouldn't scare you!" Libra suggested during the commotion. Everyone stopped and agreed, watching as he went over to the platter.

Sagittarius carefully and slowly removed the foil that was set on top. After he got it off, everyone saw that the plate was full of brownies.

"Since I already had to unwrap it, someone has to do a taste test!" Sagittarius said in a sort of accusing tone. Virgo then spoke, " I can volunteer, since I know Capricorn's cooking is amazing, and I don't want a fight to break out. " She then grabbed a chocolate chip brownie and took a bite.

She looked like she was concentrating on the taste until she said, "Guys they're good, I don't understand the fuss. " All they had to hear was the word good, and then they all started snatching them brownies like weaves!

Some people like Aquarius and Taurus munched them down, while others such as Leo and Pisces eyes them suspiciously as they nibbled them. Pisces didn't want to get pranked so quickly on her first April Fools with the zodiacs.

Later it was discovered that there was actually something was in the brownies, but don't worry, it was in fact edible. Every brownie had a brown letter "E" in them as a joke and prank for April Fools. Capricorn wasn't a big prankster, as she was a more laid back zodiacs, so they were all expecting something small.

Everyone just smiled and released a bit of laughter after finding out what was in the brownies. Then, everyone went to their rooms to finish getting ready.

Little did Leo know, someone covered his soap in clear nail polish.. At least his prank wasn't as bad as other people's!

Leo's P.O.V.
After the little brownie prank, all of us went to our rooms to get ready. As I was showering, I was trying to get some soap suds out of my soap bar. Then I see that it's a bit shiny... NAIL POLISH. "Gosh darn it, I got pranked already!!" I muttered to myself as I grabbed my towel. I proceed to ask Gemini for a bar of soap (cuz I know he's nice), and then take my shower.

Third Person P.O.V.

Meanwhile on the girls' floor, you could hear a pretty loud shriek. Everyone speeded up the stairs to where the scream was coming from, which was Taurus' room. She was just getting dressed as she looked in the mirror and saw that she was now a fresh, new.... brunette. One of the pranker zodiacs must've snuck into her room and put Brown hair dye in her shampoo. Only thing she was worried about was if it was permanent.

Everyone was gather in her room as she screamed, "WHO THE HECK THAT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO DO THIS TO MY HAIR, AND IS IT PERMANENT??!!" Everyone's faces were serious except for one's ☝ , Pisces..

Don't get me wrong, Pisces is sweet and didn't want to do a mean prank. She just wanted to see how cute Taurus and someone else would look as a couple if Taurus had brown hair.

Pisces' P.O.V.
My palms were starting to sweat and I was trembling as I stood there with the others. I also heard some whimpering... which was probably coming from me. Taurus walked over to me, and I got even more terrified. I've never seen her get this angry!! She then took a deep breath and looked at me with a glare. "Were you the one who put hair dye in my shampoo, Pisces..?" She questioned me. Since I'm a pretty honest person, so I shook my head up and down, preparing for what was coming. I shut my eyes and waited. Instead, I heard other noises; a crack coming from the wall and a yell that belonged to Virgo.

Taurus' P.O.V.

I knew that the crazy zodiacs that lived here pulled obnoxious pranks, but Pisces, the new girl? Pisces, the honest, adorable, innocent Pisces dyed my hair indirectly... She doesn't deserve to say hi to my fist, so the wall did for her. In other words... I punched the wall.

"TAURUS, DON'T PUNCH THE WALL!!!" Virgo yelled at me. She's lucky I didn't punch it again, only because it was crumbling a bit anyway. Virgo came over to me and pushed me away from the wall.

"Now we'll have to get that repaired!" I heard her whisper-yell to herself. I didn't care about the wall, I cared about my hair!! I sat on my bed and started breathing deep breaths through my nose.

Everyone looked scared except Scorpio. Her eyes looked a bit shocked, but not scared.. She came over and sat next to me. I gave her the "go away" look, but she didn't care and started patting my back. "On a scale of 1-10, how mad are you?" She asked. "Ten!" I huffed.

"Look, just ask Pisces if it was permanent, which I don't think it is. If it is permanent, I think I'll have to hold you back from her." She told me.
I didn't even think of that in all my anger. It could just be temporary!

Third Person P.O.V.

Taurus got up from her bed, and went towards Pisces. Poor Pisces was still trembling.. "I'm not gonna kill you right now, but I might in a few seconds... I just have a question. Is this dye permanent?" Taurus asked her. The little fish shook her head no.

It seemed like Taurus breathed a mental sigh of relief. "You don't have to be scared of me anymore. I just wanted to know if this would ever get out of my hair...,"Taurus assured the scared Pisces.

Everyone stayed in Taurus' room feeling shocked or scared until Sagittarius said,"Let's get back to our pranks, and then we'll get the wall fixed." A mischievous smirk was visible on his face right after.

Everyone but Virgo left the room. I guess she went to lecture Taurus..? Anyways, everyone went back to doing what they were doing before the scream. That included setting up pranks...

Sagittarius' P.O.V.

I think one of my pranks was already done. I'm pretty sure it was because I heard Leo's voice ask someone else for a bar of soap. That's not the worst of my pranks though! I just needed to get back at Leo for stealing my shampoo for "fabulous purposes" (say it in a kiddie voice)...

The only people who didn't get one of my worst pranks are Virgo and Scorpio because they would literally kill me. But they did get minor pranks because... because why not! Anyways, I should wait till all my pranks are done and then yell," Boo hoo, you got pranked! You belong in a fish tank!". Hm, maybe more like Pisces tank.....

Author's Note

First of all, thank you to Your_Joyful_Outcast, Musa_Nova, GrEg_the_Jolly_Bro, NothingtoseeKatHD, and even -joycey for commenting!!

Also April Fools Day will be put into 2-3 parts, cya!

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