Interview Special (5k)

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Hey guys, I'm sorry if you've been sad that I haven't updated this book, but I was just waiting for more interview questions. Also, we're heading 10k reads already!! If this seems a bit bad it's because it's not edited. Anyways, on with the interview.


"Are you sure we're here for an interview?" Taurus asked.

Virgo rolled her eyes, "Yes, now get in the building!"

The 12 zodiacs entered a weird brick building titled "Nicole's Wacko Office" and saw a girl with a fake mustache inside.

"Kay, so take a seat all of you," she said, "I'm Nicole and you're here for an interview, who wants to go first?"

"Me! Me!" Pisces exclaimed.

"Alrighty first question, have you ever sacrificed babies to Satan? (jack5994)"

"Uh... yes. But it was a fake baby, I swear!" she answered.

"Sure, it was totally a fake baby. Anyways, what's your favorite animal? (jack5994)"

"Well I like very animal," Pisces responded.

"Do you have a Darkside that your afraid of showing? (borening)"

"Maybe, maybe not. Find out for yourself," She answered.

"Last one for you who did you want Taurus with? Who do you ship? (idontneedaname3000)"

"Well um, I think Taurus and Aquarius would look cute together. And I ship pretty much everybody, I won't say with who though."

Aquarius and Taurus could be seen blushing in their seats and fidgeting.

"So, for Virgo who has some of the most questions, what's it like having to be the mother figure around the house? (AnonymousRebel1103)," the strange interviewer asked.

"Extremely, extremely, exhausting."

"Are your children annoying? Do you have a crush? And can I have a virtual hug I am literally talking to my sign right now!! Also are you still mad at Taurus for the wall problem?? (Blue_BlackOOF666)"

"They're so annoying, wish I could drop them off at some random daycare. I might have a tiny crush on someone, and sure you can have a virtual hug! Taurus still hasn't paid up for the wall damage, so yes I'm still mad," Virgo answered.

"Last one for youuu, are you dead inside? (jack5994)"


Everyone laughed a bit at Virgo's response.

"Up next we have Capricorn. Your current crush sweetie?/Hmm who do you like? (thomastair and Blue_BlackOOF666)"

"I'm only gonna say their name starts with S...," Capricorn said then stared up at the ceiling.

"Interesting, interesting," the interviewer stroked her fake mustache.

"Have you ever set something on fire on purpose? (jack5994)" she then inquired.

"Couple of times," Capricorn said and Virgo looked at her with a crazy look.

"So we're done with Capricorn, how about Leo? Do you like hotdogs? (jack5994)"

"Of course I do who doesn't?" Leo said with a confused face.

"I dunno, it was just a question. Gemini's turn. Have you ever got you leg cut off? (jack5994)" the woman said.

"Of course not, do you not see that I have two legs?" Gemini responded.

She shrugged and moved on," Sagittarius, who's your best friend? who's your enemy? (AnonymousRebel1103)"

"Well my best friend is Leo and I don't really have an enemy."

"Okay then, your last question. What's your favorite food and do you ever have the urge to rob a bank? (jack5994)"

"My favorite food is spaghetti and I've always dreamed of robbing a bank."

Poor Sagittarius, Virgo was most likely gonna give him a lecture later.

"Taurus, you're up! Did it feel nice with your ship sailing? (Blue_BlackOOF666)"

"You bet it did," Taurus beamed.

"Okay, do you like dogs or cats? (jack5994)"

"Cats, I feel like dogs are overrated." 

"Hmm Aries, do you want to commit mass genocide? (jack5994)"

"Uh, no."

"How do you feel about Pisces on top of you? (Blue_BlackOOF666)"

The boy just blushed and stayed silent causing Nicole to move to the next person.

"Cancer, do you have any crushes? (onzushka)"

"Uh yeah."

"Also, have you ever beat a man to death? (jack5994)"

"I don't think so??" she answered uncertainly.

"You sure, because you don't seem like you're sure. Libra, how was your day?"

"Eh. Virgo pushed me down the stairs this morning and I now have 5 bruises. So I would say bad."

"Last, but not least, Scorpio. Do you have a plan on how to get Pisces and Aries together? (Laluny)"

"You know I do."

"M'Kay, and have you ever punched a 9 year old?"


"Okay you 12, get out of my building, I have writing to do!" Nicole shouted.


Thank you to everyone who submitted questions!

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