I play soccer like the role of a princess

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I played soccer since I was a kid, my Mom made me play it and it is probably the only thing that I like from all the things she forced me to do. I'm still at the bottom of the official university soccer team even though I was the captain of the girls' soccer team back in high school. Because I am a freshman, I will need to go through different levels to play matches as part of the official team. I am supposed to attend my first soccer practice session during the three hours break to meet all the incoming freshmen into the soccer team. Betty was supposed to be seated on the bleachers watching her best friend getting tortured during practice. I got out of the locker room completely prepared walking toward the gym where I see a group of girls kind of shaking afraid of the soccer coach. As we are standing talking about soccer, of course. We heard a deep, loud, strong voice saying "stand straight on that black line before I make your day dark like it" as we hurry to do so, a girl named Nancy whispered into my ear " I knew she'll be our nightmare". Nancy became my partner during practicing, I made another new friend. As we are doing setups Nancy was impressed by the tattoos on my wrist and back I told her the one on my wrist is my grandmother's name. She asked me about the one I have on my back "Is 2 your favorite number?" she asked. I said no, it's a reminder for the people behind me, it tells them that they are number 2 and I will always be number one. I did not feel coach Altman standing behind me, I guess she heard my conversation with Nancy. The soccer seniors came 30 minutes before the freshman tough practice ends, us, the freshman got to see the real players, they are like idols and legends to us. They took a corner of the gym to start warming up, suddenly the ball came to the freshman's side I was the nearest to it, so everyone was looking at me to shoot it back, I took a deep breath and did, "nice one freshman" a senior girl shouted, I smiled, I felt like she's giving me a letter of recommendation, one of them asked to bless my 3 hours practice by finishing it with them. I looked around looking for coach Altman because I did not want to get in trouble for doing that, I did not see her around so I went running to the senior team and they were nothing but flawless, with teaching me new techniques and sharing their experiences. The 30 minutes flew like a Butterfly. I walked with Nancy to the locker room to get ready for my second class of the day which will be with Betty. Put my clean clothes on and walked toward the bleachers, Betty was there I asked curiously who were the two boys that she was sitting watching me with. As we were walking toward the class, "you'll meet them, next class," she said. I replied "oh, forgot to tell you, Zaydin from my morning class will be there too," she looked at me and said, "I think I have already met him, I know who you are talking about". I knotted up my eyebrows and asked: "what do you mean?" Betty opened her mouth to answer but my name was being called from behind. It was coach Altman. Betty said she'll meet me in class. I knew coach Altman doesn't walk after student especially freshman. Hundreds of ideas and questions in my head about why is coach Altman here to talk to me. Am I being kicked out of the team? Is it because I practiced with seniors?. She started the conversation with "How did you get to this level?" with my voice shaking "I practice a lot," I answered, she wanted to know everything, how many hours I practice, do I have a personal trainer, when did I start playing soccer, she was all over the subject in a serious way. She stared at me for like five seconds with her head going up and down, I was scared of her, to be honest, and from that mad serious face that she got on all the time. She hit my shoulder with hers as she's leaving saying that senior practice starts at six in the morning every day, one second late, you're out, completely. My brain was blowing off, am I really officially in the girls' soccer team of my university? As I am running to class, I texted Nancy telling her exactly what happened between coach Altman and me. She said that everyone could tell that I don't play like a freshman and it was obvious that this was coming, and maybe the seniors recommended me. I am the best in that freshman team and that's how I got out of it?, well, I am no longer in it. I opened the class' door..what is happening?!...

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