The End of All The Endings

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I taught myself to live with the pain that mostly comes in the shape of broken promises, he was my soul when I had a soul, it's like where I fell for him was x marked, they viewed us as a crime when we decided to make the middle finger our love sign, the spring has blossomed, seven times the spring came and blossomed and I still imagine Ameer playing with my hair on a bleacher too many springs ago, I am away from my family, in a place where I found myself loving Ameer more by everyday, I'm away, I wish I could meet him at the 8th day of the week, I accomplished all my dreams in the past seven years, No, not all of them, building a family with you has always been one on top my dreams list. Speaking of accomplishments. I am the head of the cardiology department in one of the biggest hospitals in the United State, the chief of the hospital calls me treasure, he only makes me work on every single complicated case we get, and it's very common to get this kind of cases on weekly bases because people are being sent to us from all over the world, chief Hunt came to the lab where I mostly spend my time doing research and practicing for the upcoming surgery, "I pushed your tomorrow's surgery for next week, we are expecting a patient that might bring history to the hospital and you as well," he said as I'm totally focusing on the tumor under the microscope, I asked him to repeat what he said because I wasn't paying attention, he repeated it with an existing tone, I saw chief Hunt like a little kid expecting his toy in tomorrow's mail. You know the kind of mornings where we wake up and wish a change could to happen to your life, this is the kind of morning I am having today, dr.clay hands me a cup of coffee (not Starbucks) as I'm entering the door walking fast toward my office to get ready for that patient who'll bring me history, dr.Clay is orthopedic, she was asked by chief Hunt to be with me on today's case after she was asked to do that I knew the chief was right by saying "making history". I felt like feeling nothing when I entered the patient room and saw the woman who sent me away from my family and was the reason behind me and Ameer falling apart, I would never in a million year find the words to describe what I felt when I saw Ameer standing next to his laying down mother's head, I was trying not to get any attention from reacting around what's happening, I could lose this case if the chief learned anything about what Ameer and I had, I was expecting some dramatic turn away from Ameer's mother, but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't lose the one who will keep her away from death, I'm talking about the death I lived and how my life turned to an unreleased book that every page of it is full of dust and no one wants to read, I really don't know how I missed her name when I read her charts with dr.Clay, I'm pretty sure it's God stuff, Ameer's older brother was there with his son, I think that's the unborn baby that Ameer's mother had plans for. My name is whatever Ameer decided, Lord please save me, our secret moment, in that hospital room, they don't get a clue about you and me when my six tattoos were pining. When I walked into the hospital room the energy between me and his family was obvious by looking at their faces, I was still his, I know Ameer would take this as a hint to never let me go again, Ameer saw me on my way to the elevator the next day, he grabbed my arm like he used to do, and said " this time I'm ready to run, we're not running out of time, we own everything together, I wanna get lost in the darkness of our love, wherever you are is the place I belong, we'll be alright, I would do everything for your love, I know I built our love path from the words they spoke, I know it took me many springs, I know how to fix a heart that I let down, we're heading to something we'll never regret, we're only loving each other more and more by every day passing, just think about how fast springs changes, but my love for you never changes" I tried to walk away from him, but who am I walking away from?, he's like me for me, "I don't remember it" I said to him "I really don't remember our last kiss, because when we kiss I would not know that this would be our last kiss, I thought about this every night before I go to sleep for the last seven ye.." "dr, you're patient is having a seizure" a nurse shouted out, dr.Clay was already there by the time I got to Ameer's mother, we had to operate on her immediately, the operation's goal is to remove a big tumor that affects her heartbeat, I like the phrase "pull up her heart", in order to do that I will have to take out the whole heart and replace it with a little machine I created in my lab until the tumor is removed, it's funny how the tables turn, after all these years I would pull up the heart of the woman who destroyed my life. dr.Clay will be in the operating room in case any side effects occur. Thirteen hours later, the whole hospital clapped as I'm walking with a breathing miracle, I hate to call her a miracle, but I made history through her, I tried not to sleep while I'm walking, I was leaving the hospital when Ameer held my hand so tight and said let's go I tried to stop him but he said, "not now, not in forever, I will never let you go again", I looked him in the eye and smiled Ameer's special smile that I haven't smiled in forever, "let's go then" I said he smiled back at me, he grabbed me from the arm and I still don't know why we were running, I felt like the old me has woken up, luckily it was raining, he stopped running to stand under the rain to wash all the years he lived without me, I got closer to him, close enough to kiss and for the first time "I love you" I said.

The End..

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