Taylor Swift

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I saw his face oh please lord, don't be him, don't be him. I'm walking toward his table praying to god not to be you, god he's drugs, please mistake me, Why on earth is this happening to me?. Am I really looking into the love of my life's eyes is this his perfect face his brown eyes his filled beard and dark soul? Is this his soft skin that I wish to touch?. I know everything happens for a reason but what might be the reason for meeting him after a year and six months? My mind ran to the place where I first met him. I should really act more than normal no one should know about us. Us? Does he even know who I am? It was July when I think I met the love of my life. No, It was July when I met the love of my life. You might think that I'm too young to know about true love or to find the love of my life, actually I didn't find it, it found me, it's my faith it's my destiny. I never got it when people used to say "falling in love" now I know that I fell apart when I first saw him. I was only there for summer camp, from different schools and counties I tried to impress a boy for the first time in my life when the only thing I should have been doing is preparing for my senior year and graduation. All that couldn't stop my eyes from staring at him, I stared like there was no one else around. I remember that summer when he smiled at me like I was a stranger, it was fine to me I danced all night half-naked in my room. But it hurt me when I stopped seeing for my entire senior year when all I think about is you, this wasn't a crush, I know exactly what a crush is. I am still standing in the middle of the class, it's like it's only you and I, four brown eyes, I was too busy looking at his beard to think straight, falling in love with every cell in his body. My neck hurts from looking up to the sky begging God to make me yours. He is the poison in my life, he is the fear, he is everything. What is that bright light I can't see because of? why is everyone screaming quietly? Ameer was sitting looking at me like he has seen me before I wouldn't lie I was happy that he remembers me. Ameer and his best friend were the two boys that Betty talked about. Am I in heaven or what. Is God giving me what I want because I'm living my last days? "Hey you," he said, I looked behind me to make sure that he is talking to me. I said "hi" with the widest smile ever. I sat at the same table that Ameer was sitting on. I remember this scene happened before when I was eating my lunch at the camp then he got into the crowded cafeteria and sat next to me, my heart forgot to beat and dropped half of my plate on my short white skirt that I couldn't wear anymore. He looks so happy Is it because he saw me? "Great to see you between us freshman, oh wait Betty told me you don't like being called that," he said. "B..Betty?" I said, "yeah Betty, I asked her about you while we're watching you playing soccer, you played so damn good down there didn't you!" Ameer said, my calliope said. Months have been passed and I am doing great, academically and athletically. I am on fire. What next?...

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