Cotton candy?

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Ameer is the best motivator when it comes to soccer, it is the biggest match of the season, we are playing against one of the strongest universities teams in the state, winning this game will bring our University, coach Altman, and us the players so many goods, as the captain of the girls soccer team of my University, I had to put on that extra effort, I passed on my guitar and dancing lessons, not on Ameer's all-night chat though. Betty came to pick me from home on the game's day, she knows how nervous I would be on a day like this. Soon as we arrived, I get a text from Ameer saying meet me at our place in five, I ran to see him because I knew how calm I'll get with him, I was standing next to a lack close to the dorms where we usually meet. I heard his voice from behind me saying "cotton candy?", that special smile that only exists for Ameer appeared on my face, he fed me cotton candy with his hands and I was relieved. As we're heading to the playground, He looked into my eyes and said "losing wasn't made for you" How could I not fall for this human being?. Bleachers are crowded and I clearly can see Betty, Ameer and Zaydin sitting the first row, it is our first game at night, the place is full of audiences who look like sparks fly, Are they sparking or I'm seeing sparks fly because I see Ameer smiling at me?. Nancy and I were about to score a remarkable win goal if I only passed her the ball to score it, I wanted to have that honor and score it by myself, I missed the shot, that disappointed look on coach Altman and the team members faces was enough reason to run out of game shoes less, I can hear the audience calling me a selfish loser, coach Altman asked me out of the game and I left running without looking back. I was waiting for Betty in her car. I usually don't wait for Betty after the games, I usually go out to celebrate our winning team after every game I play. Betty told me that we won, they won, Nancy did what I couldn't do. I was so upset, I needed Ameer, Betty offered me a drink but I told her that I was tired and I should go home. I got home and I wish I never did.

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