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"Say it, we have been together for almost a year and you never said "I love you" I know you you're going to tell me you like to do it not say it" Ameer said when we were sitting on a bench waiting for our last class for the day together, under the shiny sun, enjoying spring with Tulips everywhere we look around us. I was tired of soccer practice so I laid down, put my head in his thigh when he placed his fingers in my long brown hair. "I say "I love you" all the time," I said "you usually say me too when I tell you "I love you" he replied. I tried to change the subject by talking a bit about his upcoming birthday when he told me he wants me to meet his mother, his mother is like the worst reality in everyone's life, she wants Ameer to follow her lead when he's a grown man. Ameer is totally against that, he doesn't want to be like his other siblings, totally controlled by her, when I said totally I also meant literally, what they wear, where they live, where they work, how to act, who to be friends with and who to talk to and who do not. She thinks she has to do both roles, father, and mother after her husband got into jail. Whenever one of them tries to go off of her road she cries with those snakes tears and brings up that she could have left them on the street after their father got into jail. Ameer is the only one who goes with his wishes against hers more often, he does what she asks him just because he respects and appreciates everything she has done to them. I love this so much about him, because how could you live with a man who does not appreciate the woman who brought him to life. We got off the bleachers because it's time for our class, he wrapped his left arm around my neck and kissed my head as we're walking, he was telling me about his mother's plan for his unborn nephew, he stopped to answer his phone and it was his mother it's like she felt we're together, he was asked to skip class because she needed his help to get everything done for that party that she's doing to all her friends which they are literally all our society gossip women, I didn't know that I will take my part from her assemblies. We lost my sister Haddy in a horrible car accident at the age of 22, she was trying to escape the city and follow the sun with her boyfriend that my parents were totally against, after this horrifying accident my dad became a whole different person, he became fragile, he lost everything, we even had to move to a new city because people would not leave us alone telling stories about my sister that never happened. We left everything behind and all that we got is our family and the new reputation that Ameer's mother soon enough will ruin to us. Ameer hanged up the phone with his mom and looked at me, he knew that he'll have to choose walking to class with me or go to his mother, he picked a tulip for me, kissed me on my cheek and said, "See you tomorrow my heartache" he calls me heartache more often, when he turned his back on me to go to his mother I knew he took his heart with him and left me the ache.

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