I ↠

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*really cool hip hop beat plays*
Now this is the story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down, and--
*looks closely into book*
Oh wait wrong story. This is the real story:
I was rudely awakened at 4:00 a.m this morning to the sound of hurling. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I pulled the covers off my body and made my way to the bathroom. Peering inside, I saw my mother emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet. With a tired sigh and a heavy heart, I pulled her dirty blond hair into an elastic and rubbed her back in soothing circles.
New town, same habits.
After my futile attempts of sleeping again, I eventually just decided to get ready. Pulling on my too baggy clothes and my ratty shoes I grabbed my book bag and headed out of our too-old-to-be-standing apartment.
Looking down at my dragging feet across the brown stained rug I thought about my first day of school. I really do hope I find some decent people in this school unlike the last school. I shake my head as if to rid myself of the memory as I crossed the street to silverspoon high school.
As soon as I got inside the school (30 minutes early) I was greeted by the curious stares of the students over flooding the hallway. Wow, and I thought I could slip through unnoticed.
I hiked my book bag higher up my shoulder and walked in the direction of where I hoped the main office is.
After many rudely said directions from an annoyed freshman I finally reached the office. Before I could open a door, someone beat me to it, causing it to hit me and for me to fall on the floor.
"Get out of my way Bitch." The guy (He's wearing a letterman jacket so I assume he's a jock.) barks at me looking like he's about to hit me.
I squeeze my eyes shut and hope it's quick but after a few seconds I realize nothing's happening. I open my eyes with a feeling of relief when I see the ass wipe on the floor clutching his nose and a hooded figure standing over him shaking off his hand.

"What the fuck possessed you to do that?" Ass Wipe yelled at the figure I yet to have seen.

"Satan." He replies nonchalantly.

He looks at me briefly and before he runs off, I catch sight of a pair of deep teddy bear brown eyes.

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