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I push my sunglasses up higher on the bridge of my nose and continue to walk the streets of main street, the sun kissing my cheeks as my hair blows in the wind. I go to the nearest empty spot and pull my ukulele out of the case strumming a few chords to get attention. Once I do, I clear my throat and start the song.

"I was scared of dentist and the dark," the words poured out of me and people began I take notice, pointing at me and coming up to the case in front of my and putting money in it to which I always reply with a nod of thanks.

"Oh, I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations." I kept singing and looking at the people smiling around me, singing along, and dancing it made me happy. It made me so happy.

After the song finished I was picking up my case collecting the money and thanked people as they clapped for me.

It was a beautiful day. After I finished playing I went to the busker next to me. He was a robot of some sort- completely covered in bronze paint standing completely still in thinker position. I chuckled and put a couple bills inside his hat. I was about to walk away when he stopped me- his rusted colored hand encasing my wrist. I turned to him and saw his white teeth pop out against his painted lips.

"You were great out there." He says kindly, releasing my arm and giving me a cheeky smile. I smile back gratefully and pulled my sunglasses to the top of my head.

"Why thank you." I say covering my blush with my hair and sighing. "Nova." I say offering my hand and he grabs it kissing it softly leaving color on it.

"Isaac." He says and stands up to full height his costume slightly blowing in the wind. He's very attractive. His eyes are green. I used to be very fond of green eyes, that is, until a boy with eyes the color of coffee ran into my life with his talk of ducks and a better world.

I pull my coat tighter around myself and nod my head. "It was lovely to meet you Isaac, but I gotta get home now." I say taking small steps backwards.

"Will I see you again?" He asks stepping towards me again.

"Maybe." I say with a soft wave turning around and walking the streets of main street again.


When I get home my mother is on her hands and knees scrubbing dry puke on the floor with a dirty rag.

"Nova Elise Marquez, what is the meaning of these beer bottles and the vomit everywhere?" She yells at me but I can see the insincerity in her eyes. She knows she did it, but she feels the need to blame everything wrong in her life on me. She's actually wearing a pantsuit and you can tell she's not drunk, her pantsuit is actually put on the right way. She's probably job hunting.

"Sorry mom I'll clean it up." I say softly putting the bag down and cleaning the puke myself. I know better than to argue with my mom, especially since she has a tendency to get abusive.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it, you fucking shit." She snaps lifting a hand to her forehead feigning the "stressed parent" character. "And what the hell are you wearing?" She says exasperated as if I have better clothes than this. All my clothes are hand-me-downs from the devil herself, I'm wearing old faded jeans that are so small the legs are mid-shin and a creme colored sweater with a rip on the shoulder. This is probably the best clothes I have in my closet, sadly. But I don't complain, I don't get nothing but shit on when I complain.

She leaves the house then and I finish cleaning the rug so I head to my room counting the money from my ukulele case. I made about $30.00 so I pocket $5.00 for school lunch and put the rest in the money jar. My mom makes me give her all the money I make but what she doesn't know won't hurt her. I've been absolutely starving the last week so now I'd have 2 days of lunch money.

Deciding to call it a night, I fall asleep with thoughts of brightly colored men and sweet songs.


"Hi Dad!" Nine year old Nova exclaims holding the home phone close to her ear sitting on the couch in the living room and fiddling with the ends of her hair.

"Hey Squirt, you know you're not supposed to be calling me when I'm driving." Nova's Dad, Jerry, chastises but you can tell by his voice he's only teasing. He loves Nova dearly and he would die before he doesn't answer her phone calls.

"I know!" Nova says loudly nodding her head vigorously even though her father couldn't see her. "But I just wanted to tell you to not forget to buy the cheesecake for Moms birthday tomorrow!"

Nova was over the moon excited for her mothers birthday, Jerry and herself were throwing Anna a surprise party.

"I won't forget Pumpkin but I really shouldn't be on the phone, I'm almost at the bridge now--" his sentence was cut off by the loud sound of car brakes scraping against the ground and then there was a crash. Then a splash. Then the sound of beeping indicating that the call had lost connection.

"Daddy?" A confused and frightened Nova asked into the beeping line. She repeated Daddy again. Then she started screaming. Then screaming turned into crying. She threw the phone onto the ground, the battery splitting straight into two. Anna ran into the room holding a two year old bawling Leo asking what was wrong but Nova couldn't answer.

Nova's Dad had died.

author's note↠

This is the fifth chapter and I already killed someone oops. So this is why Anna (Nova's mom) always blames Nova for everything since it was Nova's fault he died the day before her birthday aw.

They never got cheesecake. :-( I'm horrible srry forget I said anything.

Thanks for reading I didn't think I would get any reads let alone 12 votes but I did so yay thanks ❤️❤️

- cass xx

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