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I walk into astrology class excited for the lesson. I'm not exactly sure why this is an elective, I didn't know it existed, but I'm glad it is. The classroom is painted black with little stars and planet drawings scattered about. I love it.

I sat down at my seat just across from the poster of the Leo constellation and pulled out my pen, eager to start today's discussion.

The teacher came in shortly after holding a suitcase and wearing a suit, making him look more like a lawyer than a high school teacher but I guess the fluorescent green socks and the galaxy tie kind of even it out. Actually, no it doesn't. What the hell is wrong with this guy? He is a pretty good teacher though.

He puts his suitcase down and walks over to the blackboard grabbing an almost invisible piece of chalk and writes on the board in sloped handwriting; "myths". A small smile finds it's way to my lips and I internally squeal because myths about the stars basically take up my whole memory.

"Salutations, my fellow young people from the astrology community." Mr. Ramen greets the class, giving us a two finger salute, causing the class to laugh because he called us "Fellow young people" but in fact he is in his sixties. Seeing that the class is laughing at his age, he flips them the finger and sighs.

"Your assignment for the week is to make a myth about how the stars got to the sky. No less than 4 paragraphs and no double spacing, thank you." He says in one quick breath dramatically plopping onto his chair and resting his feet on top of his desk. I shake my head softly with a small chuckle and begin to write. This is going to be too easy.


I wrote about him all through lunch. I wrote about the laundry incident, I wrote about the ducks, about the trees and the whole time I wrote I smiled. It's been a long time since I wrote to express happiness. I ate my potato chips visioning the brown-eyed bandit sitting across from me tossing an apple from one hand to another with a lazy grin and a low tone of voice while exaggerating about the size of the forest and all it's animals. I tossed the empty packet of chips in the bin and smiled and messily scribbled something at the bottom of the page.

They've warned me of the drugs on the street, but never of the ones with brown-eyes and a heartbeat.



short chapter but I've been slacking, sorry guys (:(


I'm a loser srry thanks guys and please vote and comment :3

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