Coming home

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Beyoncé 'slim' Knowles-Carter

"Okay momma, I am at the airport. I won't miss the Christmas get together! I'll see you later" I practically yelled into the phone because the airport was THAT crowded there was people everywhere. I couldn't wait to see the family though, Shawn on the other hand couldn't stand my brother. My brother was over protective and so was my sister Solange.

My mother had a total of 5 children. Her and my daddy owned many marketing agencies around the world. I own my own dance studio, one of the most known even the New York Times wrote about me. My husband works at a auto shop trying the best he knows how and I love him for that. We had two children their names were Blue Ivy and Ivory lee Carter. Blue was 2 years old and Ivory was 8 months old.

I loved my little family and I excepted the troubles that came with it, but we're getting off topic. We were currently boarding the plane to Huston Texas, we were flying first class.

"Ma'am have a nice flight" she said winking at me. I gave her a questioning look but I didn't pay attention to it. I grabbed my ticket from her and she rubbed my hand.

"Thank you" I said before we all went to the plane and got seated. It was three to a row to we all sat together and I held ivory while she was sleeping. She never really was the type to keep quiet so I hope we don't have to much trouble on the plane.

A hour into the ride and Shawn still hasn't looked up from his phone. I try not to question him because I already know what was gonna happen and I would rather not go down that road. So I just kept to myself and rocked Ivory, I had my headphones in and I was watching Netflix. Shawn had finally went to sleep but I didn't, I couldn't. Whoever has Shawn's attention had my attention without even knowing it. I just couldn't understand who she was or why my husband of all people. I knew this was coming Shawn has had these issues of keeping his pants up in the past.

Hours later

"Baby!" I said shaking him. "We're here" I said walking up Blue. Once everyone was up we grabbed our bags and left. Once we were at bag check I called my mom.

"Momma we're here!"
"That's really good baby, your daddy is on his way" I smiled as wide as I could
"I really missed daddy, how is everyone?"
"When you get here you'll find out"
"Kk love you momma"
"Love you too Slim"

Right when the call ended our bags came. As we sat waiting on our ride Blue seen something and ran away.

"Blue!" I yelled but she didn't stop. I couldn't see her anymore and I started to panick. Jay was looking for her and so was I.

"Blue!" I yelled tears in my eyes

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around to be met with my daddy's face. I seen he was holding Blue in his right around.

"Blue what did I tell you about running off like that!" I grabbed her and hit her on the bottom. She started to cry then she put her head in my neck. I slowly rocked her as I held conversation with my daddy.

"Daddy I can't believe you're here!" I said hugging him again.

"Bey is that your baby?" Daddy asked looking at the little girl Jay was holding. "Yeah daddy. She's ours." I said handing Blue to Jay and I grabbed Ivory.

"Well what's the girls name" he asked grabbing a giddy babbling Ivory from my arms.

"Ivory Lee Carter, she's 8 months" I said looking at Ivory playing with his beard.

"I can't believe I'm here" I hugged him again before we all started to walk to the car. As we rode to the car I noticed a bunch of toys around the truck.

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