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Beyonce 'slim' Knowles-Carter

I woke up barely being able to breathe. My eyes shot open as tears rolled down my heated face.

He was choking me. Actually chocking me

"Beyonce fucking Knowles! Are you cheating on me?!" His grip tightened and I started to feel lightheaded. I could only shake my head for no. Just then he let me go and threw me back on the bed.

"Fix yourself and come downstairs now. Your always causing trouble Giselle." Just then he exited the door closing the door behind him. While I tried to regain my composure I heard small whimpers. I lifted my head from looking down at my lap to see Blue with her head pocking out of the bathroom door.

"Blueberry come here" I wiped the tears from my face putting on a smile for her. She ran over to my holding a whimpering Ivory against her chest. I hate when Blue sees her father like this.

"Mommy are you okay?" I grabbed Ivory from her then helped her onto the bed. once she was on the bed she nestled her head inside the crook of my neck, even though when she did it I almost screamed. It hurt like hell but I'll always be strong for her.

"Baby mommy is always gonna be okay, but can you tell me what you just seen" I was racking my fingers through her thick black hair. "I seen daddy with his hands around your neck and you were crying." she said then she burst out crying looking at me. I hated this. Every time she sees Shawn do this she always cries. All I could do was rock her and Ivory to sleep and pray she forgets this. Once they were sleep I tucked them into the bed then I went to the bathroom to get dressed for the day. I took a shower after that I put on my rings and my ankle bracelet.

I had put on my dark blue boy shorts with a matching sports bra. I went and grabbed Shawn's black and blue shirt. Its had white pant splatters. I partnered the shirt with some blue sweat pants and some white and blue Nike's. I decided to leave my hair down. I put some conditioner in it then I added my diamond earrings. By the time I had finished getting dressed blue was still sleeping but Ivory biting her hands. I grabbed her then went downstairs to the kitchen to heat her up a bottle.

Once I got to the kitchen I noticed that Rihanna was sitting at the kitchen island. i simply just ignored her and got my baby a bottle. I put it in the microwave, as I stood by the microwave I seen Miguel starring at me. We looked at each other for a couple seconds while I tried to realize what he was starring at. Then it hit me. My neck! I forgot to put makeup on. Fuck.

I ran back upstairs and to my room. I fixed my neck with some concealer. I was praying that Miguel didn't notice. After I had fixed myself Ivory and I went back tot the kitchen. Her bottle was finished warming up so I grabbed it and went to the couch to sit by Shawn. After some minutes of us sitting together he said he needed to go do something then he left. I didn't bother to ask where he was going because I know he would just yell at me for "questioning him" whatever that means.

"Beyoncé. Me and you are going to the amusement park. The kids are gonna stay with Miguel and Latrell." Koshi grabbed my hand after I had gave Ivory to Latrell.

What the fuck. I get high a lot but I know I'm not seeing things. Beyoncé had a big ass purple bruise around her neck.

"Ma!" I yelled walking into the living room to sit with her.
"Have you noticed anything weird about Beyoncé." I was rocking Ivory and right before she could answer Blue came running down the stairs.

"Where is mommy!" She looked like she had been crying. Her eyes were puffy and her nose was red.

"She went out with aunty Koshi. Why?" I looked at her and she immediately looked at the ground.

"Is there something you wanna let us know?" Momma asked grabbing Blue putting her in her lap.

"No. Momma said it's a secret." Blue was know crying again.

"Tell grandma and uncle what's wrong. We promise we won't tell anyone." Momma missed her head while rocking her.

"Okay I guess. Since you promised" she said rubbing her now blood shot eyes.

Shawn Carter
"Victoria I said I'll tell her when I'm ready!" I yelled into the phone while driving to the strip club.

"She'll find out sooner or later." I heard from the other end of the phone.

"Victoria what do you mean by that!" I said gritting my teeth as every second went by.

"Nothing Shawn!" With that she hung up. I don't have time to play Sherlock Holmes right now.

Tina Knowles
"Okay I guess. Since you promised." Blue said rubbing her eyes. Right then a hard knock stopped her in her sentence.

Latrell came from the kitchen and opened the door to see a shorter light skinned woman. She was pregnant and carried a small toddler on her hip.

"Is Shawn here!" She yelled with a attitude. I could see her trying to push past Latrell. I put Blue on my hip and went to the door way to be face to face with this woman.

"May I help you." I looked her up and down trying to figure out why she was here.

"Yes actually. Is Shawn here?" She asked rolling her eyes.

"No but I'll take a message for when he comes back. Who might I be telling him the message is from?" I smiled at her and the cute little boy. He sucked on his thumb and he had curly black hair.

"His girlfriend. Pregnant girlfriend."

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